Knit a pearl pattern scarf with fringes - a guide

Instructions for a pearl pattern scarf with fringes in size 32 x 170 cm

Time spent: 12 hours.

Difficulty: light.

Material: 500 g natural blue-orange Fb 00081 "Boston" (70% polyacrylic, 30% virgin wool, running length 55 m / 50 g) from Schachenmayr original. Knitting Needle No. 7 (if you knit loosely) or 8 (if you knit tight). 1 crochet hook No. 8.

Note: It is possible that the given wool can not be bought anymore. In this case, you are looking for a similar quality. Please note the specified run length and do a stitch test!

Pear pattern (PM): Alternate 1 st on the right, knit 1 st on the left, stagger in the following rows.

Knitting tension: 1 M x 16 R = 10 x 10 cm.

Manual: Cast on 35 sts and knit in the PM. Bind off all sts 170 cm from the stop. On both sides for the fringes pull through every 3 cm 11x 8 threads of 30 cm length with a crochet hook in the middle and then pull the ends through the loop.

Knitting Help - Adding Fringe (May 2024).

Beading pattern scarf, knitting pattern, pattern, boston, knitting, pattern, knitting pattern, making, knit scarf, pearl, fringe