Kneipp's wholeness therapy

Kneipp's wholeness therapy - what's that?

On the basis of his own experience, the pastor of Wörishofen, Sebastian Kneipp (1821-1897), developed his holistic, naturopathic health teaching, which regards body, mind and soul as a complex entity. The goal is to strengthen the organism and to activate the body's self-healing powers in order to alleviate discomfort, but also to prevent illness.

For this, as simple as possible and natural remedies and stimuli, such as water, exercise, nutrition change, medicinal plants and relaxation methods are used. Kneipp treatments are given by trained therapists on an outpatient basis or as part of Kneipp cures. Many are also good for self-treatment.

Which methods are used in Kneipp's holistic therapy?

The Kneipp therapy consists of five pillars: The hydrotherapy includes applications with cold and warm water such as fonts, baths, wraps, water and Tautreten. Phytotherapy is the treatment with medicinal plants in the form of fresh plant juices, teas, bath additives or hay sack. The exercise therapy focuses on gymnastics and endurance sports, the nutritional therapy on whole foods. The order therapy is under the "life in equilibrium". Relaxation methods such as yoga and autogenic training complete Kneipp's holistic therapy.

For which complaints does Kneipp's wholeness therapy make sense?

Kneipp's holistic therapy is used for susceptibility to infection, circulatory disorders, cardiovascular diseases, high blood pressure and low blood pressure, venous disorders, fatigue, rheumatism, degenerative joint and spinal column changes, osteoporosis, migraine and fever / infections.

How well is Kneipp's wholeness therapy scientifically proven?

From a conventional medical point of view, Kneipp therapy through studies is scientifically well founded. Exercise and healthy eating are standard today, especially for the prevention and treatment of cardiovascular diseases and other civilization disorders. That is why many school doctors supplement Kneipp therapy.

What are the limitations of Kneipp's wholeness therapy?

Kneipp therapy should not be used for psychosis, thyroid hyperfunction, severe acute diseases and tumors. Side effects are hardly to be expected. Eventually an initial deterioration occurs. Haycloth / hay bath and herbal remedies can cause allergies. Note the contraindications to the herbal medicines!

Cardiac arrhythmia and angina pectoris may cause increased symptoms due to cold stimuli. Get a doctor's diagnosis before self-treatment! If feeling cold or sensitive, you should not use cold water.

For whom is Kneipp's wholeness therapy suitable?

Kneipp therapy is suitable for all those who prefer naturopathic treatments and / or want to do something beyond conventional medicine, but also want to be "supplied" therapeutically. Its special strength lies in the prevention of diseases by strengthening the body's defenses and reducing stress.

How much is the treatment?

Statutory health insurance companies pay the costs for hydrotherapeutic applications and individual phytopharmaceuticals according to medical prescription. The additional payment varies according to the cash register.

Change baths cost about 7.75 euros, exchanges 6.40 euros. Kneipp cures are only taken over for certain medical indications (ask!). A Kneipp cure week including accommodation is available from 275 euros.

Where's the more information?

Information is available from the Sebastian Kneipp Institute GmbH, Kneippstraße 2, 86825 Bad Wörishofen, Tel. (08247) 962 95-0, You can order a brochure "Natural Remedies" via the hotline of the institute (0900/510 29 46): the call costs 1.98 Euro - this is how the brochure is paid.

Further information is available from Kneipp-Bund e. V., Adolf-Scholz-Allee 18, 86825 Bad Wörishofen, Tel. (082 47) 300 20, and the German Spas Association e. V., Schumannstrasse 111, 53113 Bonn, Tel. (02 28) 20 12 00,

Sacred Truth Ep. 54: Live Your Truth (May 2024).

Self-healing power, Sebastian Kneipp, alternative medicine; Kneipp's wholeness therapy, Kneipp