Klimakterium: And suddenly the hormones are crazy

What is the climacteric?

The climacteric (gr. "klimakter" for "critical time in life") is a natural phase in the life of every woman over a period of time ten to fifteen years extends. For most women, this section, which is colloquially referred to as menopause, between the ages of 45 and 65, It's a time of hormonal upheaval? and a Transition from the reproductive to the postmenopausal phase.

Within this climacteric lies the menopause, which as the last menstrual period is defined and most women in the Average age 52 years takes place. However, the range is large: some women are even affected by premature menopause, which can start at the beginning of 30, but usually occur in the mid 40s. Which phases the body of the woman undergoes concretely, we explain to you below.

How are the phases of menopause?

The Climacterium is generally divided into three phases: premenopause, perimenopause and postmenopause.

The premenopause is the phase before the actual menopause, the last bleeding. During this period, the hormonal balance in the body changes: The Hormone FSH is increasingly distributed, the production of Corporal hormone progesterone decreases, however. In the course of this, the bleeding becomes more irregular and ovulation rarely takes place.

The peak period of the climacteric, the perimenopause, lasts on average about six to seven years - during this period, the concentration ratio of progesterone and estrogens varies greatly, which is the above Hot flashes, mood swings (down to depression), tachycardia or sleep disturbances can lead.

The postmenopause starts about one year after the last menstrual period, The hormone balance is stabilized again, the menopausal symptoms diminish. When the end of this process occurs is different from woman to woman and depends on the subjective experience of the symptoms.

Which symptoms herald menopause?

Due to the massive conversion process and the associated fluctuations in estrogen levels, many women suffer from menopausal symptoms. At least about a third of all women However, the Climacterium runs without impairments, In another third, the symptoms are mild. The following symptoms are common during the climacteric period:

  • Hot flashes (about 7 out of 10 women)
  • Sweats (about 5 out of 10 women)
  • Dizziness (about 5 out of 10 women)
  • palpitations
  • Nervousness and irritability
  • depressive moods
  • sleep disorders
  • difficulty concentrating
  • Vaginal dryness and libido loss
  • Headache and muscle aches
  • increase in weight

At the beginning of the menopause are usually mental symptoms and vegetative complaintsthat occur due to the changes in the autonomic nervous system. During menopause, the spectrum of impairments widens, physical changes are added. In addition, the hormone conversion favors? in particular the decline of the hormone estrogen? Diseases like Osteoporosis, high blood pressure and osteoarthritis.

What can you do against the complaints?

In most cases, menopause does not require treatment. Women with mild discomfort just need to be careful to feed healthy and exercise regularlyto counteract a possible overweight. Relaxation exercises and hormone yoga are good ways to reduce hot flashes and sweats. However, in about one-third of women, the menopausal symptoms are so pronounced that they need to consider hormone treatment.

As part of a hormone replacement therapy (HET) those hormones are added that are not produced enough during the climacteric. Mostly used Combination preparations containing a gestagen and estrogen component, Pure estrogen preparations in the form of gel, cream, suppositories, patches or syringes are now given only to women whose womb had to be surgically removed.

In women who have prematurely entered the menopause, hormone treatment can be quite useful, as this one increased risk of osteoporosis to have.

However, hormone replacement therapy can unfortunately Side effects such as thrombosis, high blood pressure, headache and, at worst, uterine and breast cancer cause.For this reason, the benefits and risks of hormone therapy must always be weighed individually and discussed with the gynecologist.

MENOPAUSE - Frauen sagen was wirklich abgeht. (May 2024).

Hormone, complaint, menopause, menopausal complaint, menopause, menopause, early, early, mid-30, early, menopause