Jason Biggs: Happy anniversary for the actor

Actor Jason Biggs (40), known from the "American Pie" series or the series "Orange is the New Black," has proudly shown a very special honor at Instagram. Actually, the silver plaque has nothing to do with acting; rather, it says that Biggs has been free of drugs and alcohol for exactly one year. An achievement he has been fighting for for much longer time.

"For the first time five years ago, I tried to get clean when the load of my addiction to booze and drugs became too heavy for me, turns out this crap is really hard," Biggs wrote to the posted photo. But for a year he has not touched the addictive substance, which filled him with pride. In the end he still has words of encouragement for anyone who is struggling with the same demons: "If you have problems, be aware that there is help, do not be ashamed, we can do it."

Jason Biggs and Jenny Mollen greets fans at the Arrested ... (July 2024).

Jason Biggs, Drugs, Anniversary, Alcohol, Star Jason Biggs, Orange, Instagram, Jason Biggs, Drugs, Clean, Anniversary, American Pie