Is your partner unhappy in the relationship? So he shows it? according to the zodiac sign

We all deal differently with it when we are unhappy in the relationship. Some withdraw, others are always in a bad mood and others plunge into projects outside the partnership. That is just a question of our genes, our experiences, the character? and our zodiac sign! Just have a look yourself ...

This is how the individual zodiac signs react to relationship problems

Capricorn (December 22 to January 20)

Capricorns are prone to perfectionism and have high expectations of themselves. If they feel the relationship is not going well, they will do everything in their power to get it back. They usually go open with their problems bring your partner too largely diplomatic Near. What Capricorns occasionally forget: A relationship always includes two? nobody can solve problems in the partnership alone ...

Aquarius (January 21st to February 19th)

Aquarians are free spirits and need a lot of space in relationships for themselves and their ideas. If you are unhappy with the partner, distance she usually and flee into their projects, your work ? their self-development. If you're with an Aquarius, it's best to give him his room (even if it's hard!), Otherwise he'll feel stressed and move away more and more.

Fish (20 February to 20 March)

You can rely on fish in that they are very loyal and loyal in partnerships. However, they also tend to like pretty much and Problems swallowing until it stops? and then it can pop right. If you are with a fish, you should always pay attention when he is increasingly looking for new inspiration, hobbies or even ways of life. It can be a sign that something is missing in your relationship.

Aries (March 21 to April 20)

You are with a ram together? Congratulations, then you probably have a very passionate and self-confident person by your side! As a rule, Aries are directly and say what bothers them, but in relationships dominated above all their charm. Therefore, as a partner of an Aries, it is quite possible that you may overlook his dissatisfaction, although there were signs of it. Best strategy for a ram: To be as straightforward and honest as possible, he unconsciously expects from his partner and usually lures him then even from the reserve.

Taurus (April 21 to May 20)

If your sweetheart is a bull, you can be pretty sure you'll find out if he's dissatisfied. Bulls are very value conscious and if committed to a relationship, they stick to it. Therefore they set all levers in motion to solve problems in the partnership. The only difficulty: sometimes the bull's persistence can go so far as to make the world more beautiful than it is and even utterly ignore its own dissatisfaction? which will of course take its toll one day. However, this usually only happens after he has already started a few attempts to cope with it.

Gemini (May 21st to June 21st)

Twins are more difficult with feelings? Reason and logic are much more dear to them. Usually, they themselves have difficulty recognizing and correctly interpreting their emotions, so they avoid talking to others about it. If your twin partner is unhappy, that can be completely unfoundedrecriminations to express to you or other people. Also more common mockery and derogatory remarks can be a signal that something is going on in him that scares him and that he wants to drown with his ridicule.

Cancer (June 22nd to July 22nd)

Cancers are usually absolute sentimental people! They are very sensitive, but also comparatively sensitive and easily ailable. Challenge: Cancers usually take a while before they can speak honestly and openly about their feelings. If they are unhappy, they often show that in a lot moody behavior, you complain about everything and everyone, just not about what really depresses her. 

Lion (23rd July to 23rd August)

You have a lion by your side? Then you can assume that he will not put up with anything. Lions have a natural talent for taking care of themselves and their interests. If your lion does not feel comfortable in your relationship, chances are high that it is common dispute between you and he pretty much gives you bad mood encountered.

Virgo (24th August to 23rd September)

Virgins find it hard to bear when something is wrong? and that's why they usually talk openly about it. But we all know that when it comes to feelings, the world often looks a bit different. Because feeling is not always easy to understand. Therefore, you should pay attention in the relationship with a virgin, if they are exceptionally strong and frequent criticized, It may be that there is something else behind ...

Libra (24th September to 23rd October)

Scales are known to be mostly concerned with harmony and therefore try to resolve conflicts as quickly as possible. As a rule, they do a lot to eliminate bad mood or dissatisfaction? but often they are back in the process and become even more unhappy. Therefore, as a partner you should generally pay attention to whether your balance overly active will and become aufreibt ? whether in relationship or career. It can be an attempt to balance things that disturb them in your relationship.

Scorpio (24th October to 22nd November)

One of the reasons why scorpions are such great partners is that they enjoy and enjoy life to the fullest and delight in their environment when it gets in the mood. However, in many scorpions there is also a small one Drama Queen, If the scorpion does not feel well treated in its relationship, it will rather making life difficult for others than directly addressing problems.

Sagittarius (23rd November to 21st December)

A shooter does not suffer from problems for long? because if it gets too stupid, he quickly seeks the distance. Sagittarians are fundamentally optimistic and enthusiastic, anything that could shake it, they are only too happy to push away from themselves. Typically, a shooter overrides problems in the partnership by strikingly carefree and cheerful appears. But when the conflict that smolders and bubbles in the depths, it can happen that your shooter draws a line or faster his luck with others seek, as you love.

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