"intueat": losing weight without giving up? Does that really work?

"Intueat" is an online program for intuitive weight loss developed by medical students Mareike Awe and Marc Reinbach. For twelve weeks, with weekly lessons and audio training, you will learn to better perceive the body's hunger and satiety signals and to eat without a guilty conscience.

If you want to try it yourself, register at www.intueat.de/ChroniquesDuVasteMonde/. Until April 30, 2017, as a ChroniquesDuVasteMonde reader, you will receive free access to a trial package worth € 29 and you can get a picture of yourself. If you want to book the complete 12-week-program afterwards, you will receive 30 Euro discount on the total price (from 287 Euro).

© Vox

1. The idea behind the program "intueat"

ChroniquesDuVasteMonde.com: You have developed a program for intuitive eating. How did you get the idea?

I met intuitive eating about four years ago. I felt uncomfortable with my body at the time and tried out various diets that did not work. During the study, did I read about the intuitive food? and tried it. I lost about ten kilos in three months and kept my dream weight until today.
During my studies, Marc Reinbach and I researched a lot about obesity and found that diets do not work in 90% of the cases. That's when we came up with the idea that we want to teach people intuitive eating.

2. This is how the program works

The program promises weight loss "without waiver". Is not that too high?

In the twelve-week "intueat" program, there is no waiver. The participant learns to listen to his body again. He should feel and pay attention to when the body is hungry, when it is enough and what it has appetite. It is simply natural eating habits to eat when hungry and stop drinking. As a result, the kilos are too much superfluous and can be reduced. Through the program, participants learn to consciously eat? that means, for example, not eating his food in front of the TV.

Your program is a mental training. How does that look exactly?

Most decisions are made by our subconscious. That is, whenever we do something, that action is stored as a habit. We do not think about it anymore. However, one can train the nerve tracts in the brain via visualization techniques, so that new nerve pathways are built up. Imagine this in the form of beaten tracks: The more often you run them, the more they will run out and the easier it is for us to use these paths (or even nerve cords). Translated: It is easier for us to implement the new habits.

What awaits the participant in the program?
During the program the participant gets all the content he needs to become an expert in the natural needs of his own body. Theme lessons are available in the form of PDFs and videos. The participant listens to our mental training? twenty minutes on the weekend, about five minutes a day? and goes through his thoughts on how he can pay attention to his body signals. This is how he learns intuitively: when am I hungry? What am I hungry for? When am I saturated? In the "intueat" forum, the participants can also exchange ideas with other colleagues. We are in close contact? and happy to help with any question.

Mareike Christina Awe and Marc-Christopher Reinbach study medicine and are currently writing their doctoral thesis at the University Hospital Düsseldorf. In 2015 they founded "intueat"? and were awarded for this at the ideas competition of the university. Information about the program can be found on the homepage.

3. Does intuitive eating succeed?

Who do you want to address with the program?

We started with a pilot group of ten people? and were honored at the idea competition of the university. The program is learnable for everyone. In our groups were mainly women, but also men, between 20 and 70 years.

What are the results from the first round?

We had the most different weight loss? up to 15 kilograms in twelve weeks. However, losing weight is not so much in the foreground, but the well-being of the individual. Quite interesting was a participant who had tried diets for years before and never had the feeling to reach her feel-good weight. With our program, she realized that it is not important what you eat, but how consciously you enjoy your food. Instead of light products, it can also be high-fat products that saturate much faster.

What makes the success of the program?

The forbidden fruits fall away.The fact that chocolate is not forbidden, the desire is no longer there, they constantly eat. Nobody reports food cravings and the yo-yo effect because it is about a sustainable diet change. There are no diet plans and cooking recipes, according to the motto: eat intuitively, forget about diets.

The Gabriel Method Review (May 2024).

Waiver, Dusseldorf, Diets, Intuitive Eating, Slimming, Program