In love, deprived ... and together again

Maybe your first thought is an outraged "For heaven's sake, no!". Maybe a certain man comes to mind - and with it a quiet sense of longing ...

In our series Let's introduce you to couples who have fallen in love again after years of separation. We wish you a lot of fun with the stories - and not just those of you who would not mind to revert to a certain old love!

Part I: A call after 18 years

Tanja and Ulrich have been apart for almost two decades, living in different cities, no longer in contact with each other. Until Tanja happens to find Ulrich's last name ... continue

Part II: Familiarity wins

Studies, stays abroad, boyfriends from different nations: Anja leads a full life. She keeps in contact with her friend from the Abi era over the years

Part III: The Right One came too early

With Therese and Michael it is the famous love at first sight. But the 21-year-old is not ready for that ... next

Part IV: "Something magical"

What is special about these relationships - and what can we learn from them? spoke to ChroniquesDuVasteMonde psychologist Dr. Eva Wlodarek. continue

Lvly - Sleep Deprived (May 2024).