IKEA is breaking new ground and planning a special reopening

What's next with Ikea? The makers of the Swedish furniture store are planning the future - and soon there could be IKEA's where you can not buy furniture!

Because: The blue-yellow furniture giant is considering expanding its food division and soon open pure IKEA restaurants! We could then eat Köttbullar and Co. - but do not buy any furniture!

Does it make sense? The makers in the US are asking this question at the moment, as the portal "Fast Company" reports. The fact is: the food division is more successful than ever - and it keeps growing!

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Initially, the IKEA restaurants were only meant to make the furniture store's customers full and happy - and to give families and couples a place to discuss and buy furniture purchases without leaving the store.

But today, IKEA makes a large part of its sales with its restaurants. Many customers only come for dinner - they do not want to buy or even look at furniture.

The IKEA restaurant is currently just a mental game from America - but maybe it will soon become reality? We are curious?

See the video: Can I take pencils from IKEA or is it theft?

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IKEA, Sweden, restaurant