How do I get rid of warts?


Warts are viral diseases and therefore contagious. Therefore always wear shoes in the swimming pool, in the sauna and in the hotel.


Prescription-free warts with salicylic acid and lactic acid soften the cornea, so you can scratch away the wart gradually.

Alternative medicine

No one knows why, but discussing actually helps - especially in children! An address can usually be found by asking around the circle of acquaintances.

home remedies

Can also help a crushed clove of garlic. Apply daily, leave for ten minutes and rinse with warm water. Botanically savvy dabbed warts with fresh juice from the stems of scabbard.

When to the doctor?

When warts become more or more ugly.

How to Get Rid of Warts | Children's National Health System (May 2024).

Wart, sauna, condition, alternative medicine, home remedies, wart