Holiday flirt in sight? These sentences should you have on it!

What do I say when it's sparking?

Flirting is fun especially on vacation. You have your mind free, the sun makes the happy hormones bubble and on the beach, in the bar or by the pool, it's pretty easy to meet people.

But flirting can be a challenge (especially for the untrained), and if there's a language barrier, it's great to have a couple of phrases to elegantly flip around every penny.

As is well known in other countries, yes other customs: In the US, for example, there is a complex dating system and in France, where allegedly homage to love as in any other country, there is not even a word for "Date". It can all be confusing.

France - a rendezvous can be anything ...

Huh? The French language has no word for dating. Rendezvous simply means? Meeting? and can indeed describe a date, as well as a dentist appointment. But we do not want to meet the dentist on vacation!

With these 3 sets? S certainly works with the holiday flirt:

  1. I would like to see you again - J? Aimerais bien te revoir
  2. We could go for a drink - On pourrait all boire un verre
  3. Should I give you my number? - Je te donne mon numéro?

USA - complex dating rules

In the US, there are significantly more dating rules than ours. And also many more stages that define the relationship between two people: Seeing someone, dating, being an item, being exclusive, being a girlfriend / boyfriend ? But once you understand it, does that form offer a lot of advantages? After all, the expectations on both sides are clear by fixed rules! But beware: In other English-speaking countries, the system does not necessarily apply.

With these 3 sentences? S certainly works with the holiday flirt in the US:

  1. Have I seen you here before? - Have I seen you here before?
  2. It's really nice to meet you - it's really nice to meet you
  3. What about a coffee? - How about a coffee?

Italy - chatting is trump!

In Italy, talking on a date is really important. At best, there is a lot of talking (and listening attentively). How else to get to know each other? By the way, please do not share the bill? This is an absolute no-go on a date with an Italian.

With these 3 sets? S certainly works with the holiday flirt in Italy:

  1. Do you want a drink? - Vuoi bere qualcosa?
  2. Maybe we could meet for a coffee - Magari potremmo vederci per un caffè
  3. Can I have your number? - Posso avere il tuo numero?

Spain - here it gets intense

Flirting works quite directly and aggressively in Spain. If it comes to a date, it is particularly important that a lot of talking and laughing. Do not mind if you get interrupted in the middle of a sentence? that is not rude in Spain, but signals interest.

With these 3 sets? S certainly works with the holiday flirt in Spain:

  1. What is your name? - ¿Cómo te llamas?
  2. I'm in the mood to see you! - Tengo muchas ganas de verte!
  3. You have a magical smile - Tienes una sonrisa mágica

Tip: Most flirt phrases come from the "Babbel Flirting Guide". The language experts of the language learning app "Babbel" have created a playful quiz where you can listen to the flirty sayings, so that you can also practice pronunciation right away. Is not that unimportant. Here's the Babbel flirting guide.

VIDEO TIP: Is foreign flirting allowed, Barbara Schöneberger?

Flirting, dating and romance without sight | Blind Hacks with Lucy Edwards (May 2024).