Herbert Grönemeyer: That's what the singer Chancellor Angela Merkel has to say

Herbert Grönemeyer (62, "Men") is one of Germany's best-known musicians. But now he has accepted a new job for a short time. As a guest editor-in-chief of the "ZEITmagazin", which will be published on Thursday, he demands more commitment from the politicians towards the citizens. In particular, he turns to Chancellor Angela Merkel (64). "For the first time, I feel a responsibility for society," says Grönemeyer.

Angela Merkel "just does not communicate"

He goes on to say: "If we want the country to develop well, we must not leave that up to the politicians alone - many are upset because they feel they are not involved." It is like being in a family, the singer is convinced: If there are questions and fears, all would have on the table. "I'm throwing this at Angela Merkel, she just does not communicate, and Willy Brandt was able to carry us along, who could signal the people: we have a common idea, let's make a difference."

The musician as editor-in-chief

Grönemeyer has selected all topics, photos, texts and headlines for the weekly magazine "Die Zeit", which will be published on 18 October. The entire conception of the issue was in his own hands. The result is a magazine about identity, carelessness and humanity.

The search for his own identity led Grönemeyer to his home in Bochum. He also reveals his favorite recipes. In addition, the 62-year-old has asked his friends and acquaintances, what for them the term "carelessness" means. Günther Jauch (62), Anke Engelke (52), Toni Kroos (28), Harald Schmidt (61), Judith Holofernes (41), Anne Will (52), Robert Wilson (77) and Anton Corbjin (63 ) with personal stories and pictures. In addition, the issue features young refugees who asked Grönemeyer about her image of humanity.

Merkel says Germany open to partners (May 2024).

Herbert Grönemeyer, Germany, Angela Merkel, ZEITmagazin, Herbert Grönemeyer, Angela Merkel, Federal Chancellor, reproach