Harvard Author: This 5-step trick is the best way to get rid of your fears!

Whether at work, at home, with strangers or friends? each of us has certain fears. Often it annoys us when we are intimidated about a cause again, and would give anything to be more courageous. But how do you do that?

Harvard graduate and author Elan Divon says we must first "hug" our fears. Most importantly, they are not our enemy, but simply want to point out that we should pay more attention to a part of our psyche. After this 5-point plan we can best let go of the fear:

1. Breathe!

When we are afraid, we breathe very quickly. So the first step is to focus on proper breathing. Longer than breathing in, makes us calmer. Try it: count to seven and breathe in, count to eleven and breathe out!

2. Visualize!

By imagining the fearful situation, we only reinforce it. Visualize your fear - but at the same time practice the breathing exercise. By making you calmer, you associate a more positive feeling with fear. And next time, you already feel it less bad.

3. Activate!

Your rational thinking. Try to fade out the emotional part and just focus on the facts in your thoughts. Is that really scary?

4. Train!

Do sports! Go to the gym, jog or swim. Best a few hours before a scary event is due. You will see: The exhaustion will definitely calm you down!

5. Pose!

And in a power pose! For example, raise hands to a victory sign. It has been scientifically proven that such gestures strengthen self-esteem. And those who believe in themselves naturally overcome their fears more quickly.

Video Recommendation:

How to Overcome Fear (May 2024).

Fear, Harvard University