Gin and Tonic

Gin Tonic: Straightforward highball cocktail

The Gin Tonic is the classic cocktail of gin: with its fresh and at the same time tingling bitter note it tastes equally good to men and women. Even Queen Mum is said to have been a big fan: the cocktail was the old lady's favorite drink. Certainly a relic from the time when Gin was reserved for the high taxes of the Upper Class.

But just in recent years, the gin turned into the trendy spirit par excellence. No wonder, because he is not too sweet, not too creamy, not too packed with deco fruits, but just a straight cocktail, straight out, honest and straightforward. As well as his name is often quite open and honest simply as "gin and tonic" is specified. Both are in it. There is no more to be said.

What comes into the gin and tonic?

Another big advantage of the Gin Tonics: It is very easy and fast to prepare. Because more than the two eponymous ingredients - Gin and Tonic Water? you do not need. Thus, the Gin Tonic is one of the so-called Highballs. These cocktails are just made from a spirit drink? in this case gin? and a filler or a soda? So the tonic? manufactured. And that's enough. The Gin Tonic is one of the so-called "Built in Glass" cocktails, mixed drinks, which are prepared directly in the highball glass. Simply pour the ingredients over the ice cubes and stir gently.

You also need ice cream for the perfect gin and tonic. Best in larger quantities and really nice and cold. Again, the gin and tonic of many other cocktails, where the ice can be a little preheated. And of course you can? depending on your taste ? Add a slice of lime, a slice of lemon or maybe even a slice of cucumber. Advanced skiers use an elaborate lemon zest. But only if you feel like it.

Rosemary sprigs, chillies and peppercorns are probably more for connoisseurs who want to try something new. A good gin and tonic is also delicious without any extra.

Only really good gin comes in the gin and tonic

Prerequisite: You use high-quality gin and good tonic water. You may not have to go for one of the 10 best gins in the world, but it should be a good drop. Alone, to avoid the nasty headaches the next day. Here you can experiment. If you do not want to spend a lot of money on a Monkey or Hendrick's Gin from Scotland, you can try the Plymouth Gin or the Sipsmith London Dry Gin, for example. Both are a great alternative to the gins of Gordons, Tanqueray, Hendrick's and Beefeater.

Incidentally, gin is a juniper schnapps that gets its characteristic flavor through the addition of spices, herbs, fruits and flowers. The three best known types are the Old Tom Gin, the Dry Gin and the London Dry Gin. While the Old Tom Gin is slightly sweetened, the other two are unsweetened, so dry. Since the beginning of the new millennium, the gin has also experienced a renaissance in other variants. Small factories outdo each other in refining the gin with hand-picked organic herbs and fresh spring water, which give the juniper new flavors. As a result, an unofficial rule has been established, which got the mirror betrayed by a Hamburg bartender: "Vodka is for the effect drinker, Gin for the education drinker." Means: If you hold something, drink stylish gin. Or just gin & tonic.

What counts with good tonic water

And there are of course big differences with Tonic Water, which the connoisseurs argue about. The classic for Gin & Tonic is Thomas Henry Tonic Water. But you can also use Schweppes Indian Tonic Water. This is certainly the most widespread and Schweppes is available everywhere. If you like it a bit more bitter, instead use 1724 Tonic Water, which also has less carbonic acid at the same time. Also popular with gin and tonic: Fever Tree Tonic Water, an elegant and subtle tonic water that tends to keep in the background.

By the way, the bitter lemonade takes its name from the English word "tonic", which means "invigorating" or "invigorating". The Tonic Water used to be part of the standard equipment of many colonial armies that protected themselves against malaria with quinine in tonic water. But the drink had to be taken regularly. That was also the birth of gin and tonic: According to legend, the soldiers mixed gin to soften the bitter taste of the tonic. What a great idea!

Master The Classics: Gin and Tonic (May 2024).

Gin, summer recipe, party recipes, cocktail