Günther Klum expects: THEN all GNTM girls cancel his agency!

GNTM winner Alisar Aliabouni complained five years ago, Larrisa Marolt left in 2014, Stefanie Giesinger left the agency last year and now also Elena Carrière. And other 'Germany's Next Top Model' candidates were tired of 'OneEinsManagement'. For a long time, Günther Klum did not comment on the many dismissals, but now he takes a stand against 'Bild' regarding Elena.

Günther Klum about Elena's exit

"Elena was fortunate enough to finish second to GNTM, so she got a contract of employment with all the tax benefits I have, so far as I know, is unique to Models." This contract has now been terminated for the attorney Circumstances speak for themselves, and it remains to be seen whether the lack of monthly salary will benefit Elena, "says Günther Klum.

A photo posted by Elena Carriere (@ elenacarriere.official) on Nov 13, 2016 at 9:16 pm

Why do all the girls step out?

In May 2016, the daughter of Mathieu Carrière was placed second and leaves after only half a year from the model contract with 'ONEeins'. But is not it worrying that the girls are getting off?

No, there is only one explanation for Heidi's dad: "With over 250 models participating in GNTM over the past eleven years, there are of course many layoffs, as there are always people telling the girls how good they are My employees are doing a super job, but they can not bring everyone to the front row. " Well then ...

If you are looking forward to the 12th season of GNTM, you can look forward to the 3rd of February. At Germany's Next Topmodel 2017 there will be some innovations. But we will certainly hear one thing: "Sorry, but unfortunately I have no photo for you today" - we are looking forward to it!

Heidi Klum & Tom Kaulitz: Glamorous Appearance at Elton John's Oscar Party (May 2024).

Germany's Next Top Model, Günther Klum, Stefanie Giesinger, Heidi Klum