From Glubschi to Pucken: 15 crazy words that only mothers understand

"You are pregnant!" With this sentence, women open up a new world. A world of delivery rooms, baby equipment stores, rubber balls, toddler pools and playgrounds. It's a beautiful and sometimes strange world where you speak your own language. We learn words that we have never heard of before, and we always say weird phrases like, "My Mucki came five times tonight." (Only mothers understand that this has nothing to do with sex.) Not at all.)

Do you speak the mother tongue?

Here are 15 typical words from the mum's everyday life. You know them all? Congratulation! You have really arrived in the new world!

1) PDA

Typical sentence: "I want a PDA, but IMMEDIATELY !!"
Very few mothers can remember what the abbreviation stands for (peridual anesthesia, in case you need it for WWM). But everyone has an opinion on the analgesic syringe that can be given during birth. And that varies between "devil's stuff of conventional medicine" to "the best invention since ibuprofen".

2) Manduca

Typical sentence: "I'll take him to the Manduca afterwards."
Manduca is a brand for a specific baby carrier. You know, the things that mothers put on their bodies to carry babies like kangaroos around. Accordingly, the part of wearing fans quickly to a kind of body part, which of course needs a name. Manduca is obvious.

3) swaddling

Typical sentence: "So since we have been spitting every night, Antonia is falling asleep much better."
No, that's not a disease. Swiping is the wrapping of the baby in a cloth. Is recommended by midwives. Distinguishing feature of real professional mothers.

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