Fertility clinic: doctor fertilizes women with their own sperm

Cline has made at least eight women pregnant

Megalomaniac or do-gooder? In Indianapolis, the former reproductive medicine Donald Cline (77) is in court because he is said to have used at least 50 of his own sperm for the fertilization of unsuspecting patients.

He is said to have made some eight women pregnant in this way. Several of his biological children found this out by DNA testing. All are now adults, the youngest child is now 30 years old.

Two children have filed a complaint

Two of his offspring filed a complaint against the doctor. Above all, they want to find out how many siblings or half-siblings they have. One daughter said, "Fox News ?: Deep down, we know we'll never be sure how many siblings there are."

"I felt like I was helping women"

Dr. Donald Cline initially denied everything. In a sworn statement, he finally admitted the crime, but pleaded not guilty. He confessed to using his sperm about 50 times without the women's knowledge in their artificial insemination. Cline said he used his sperm only when he did not have fresh donor material at his disposal. To the women he said that the ejaculate comes from medical students and is used only once.

While acknowledging that she had made mistakes, Cline nevertheless stylized herself as a Good Samaritan: "I felt that I was helping the women because they really wanted a baby."

But one of his daughters says today: "It's really disgusting that he continued his practice until he was 70 years old." Cline retired in 2009.

Cline is not an isolated case

By the way, Clines Tat is not an isolated case: The most notorious doctor, who used his sperm secretly for the artificial insemination of unsuspecting women, is Cecil Jacobson from Virginia. He is said to have sired around 70 children in this way.

Lawsuit alleges Ottawa fertility doctor used own sperm on patients (July 2024).

Fertility treatment, semen, Indianapolis