Feeding hedgehogs? Only under these circumstances!

The hedgehogs usually eat

Hedgehogs are insect eaters and eat z. As butterflies, butterflies, ants, mosquitoes, grasshoppers, wasps, bees and beetles, but also feed on, for example, earthworms, centipedes, spiders and woodlice.

Nuts, fruits and vegetables, however, are not part of their diet!

Feeding hedgehogs: yes or no?

Yes and no! Hedgehogs are wild animals and usually need no feeding, but find enough food in nature. There are few exceptional situations in which hedgehog feeding is a good thing!

Feeding hedgehogs? not always a good idea

Well meant is not always well done: if you do not feed hedgehogs properly, it can have serious consequences for your health. For example, hedgehogs can not tolerate milkThey can get diarrhea, which can lead to death in severe cases. Especially Young animals must learn to look for food ? and should not constantly find a well-filled food dish. In addition, the to shift the natural rhythm of a hedgehogWhen food becomes scarce, he hibernates.

In these situations, you can feed hedgehogs

In some exceptional cases, it makes perfect sense to feed hedgehogs:

  • Hedgehog in winterWhen a hedgehog awakens too early from hibernation and finds no food due to the frozen soil.
  • The hedgehog weighs too little: A hedgehog should weigh about 1000 grams and a cub about 500 grams before he can go into hibernation. Otherwise, there is a risk that he starves to death.
  • Persistent drynessIn a very hot summer, exceptionally, haggard hounds can be fed here as well. Even a bowl of water is useful.

Feeding hedgehogs? and that way!

If one of the exceptional situations applies, you best feed the hedgehog Cat food and oatmeal, special hedgehog food is not necessary.

For feeding in your own garden you can buy one Futterstelle However, this should be as safe as possible from foxes, cats and dogs. You can take an old box or fruit box and create an opening through which the hedgehog will fit. Then you put a small barrier next to the entrance (such as a brick or piece of wood), so that the hedgehog must pass it to get to the cup behind it. From the top you complain the feeding place with stones or full watering cans. And this is how a (self-made) Hedgehog house could look like:

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Feeding is enough once a day (about 150 grams serving), best for the evening. When fed in the fall, a youngster may gain about 10-15 grams a day, but only when food is scarce does the hedgehog hibernate. So: Does the nature itself provide enough food or does the hedgehog have enough weight to stop feeding? By themselves they do not leave the food provided.

You can find even more tips about gardening and animals here: Build your own insect hotel, fight the Colorado beetle and remove the wasp nest. Also for the garden design we have great ideas for you: Small garden: 10 Do's and Dont's, cut hedge and plant tulips.

Videotipp: Urban Farming: That's why it's worth planting your own vegetables

MY GRUMPY HEDGEHOG BLINDED HIMSELF (I Had to Buy This....) (May 2024).

Hedgehog, garden, animal feed