Egg Diet: How to help you boiled eggs while losing weight

What is the egg diet?

The egg diet was launched nearly 40 years ago by former UK Prime Minister Margaret Thatcher. Her wish was to come to her desired weight before her election victory. The diet goes back to the low-carb principle, in which one takes little carbohydrates and a lot of protein. As the body no longer needs to burn carbohydrates, it resorts to the body's fat deposits. Positive side effect: The protein ensures that no muscle mass is broken down.

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But how does it work? Per week, the egg diet consumes up to 35 eggs, that is, 5 eggs daily. In addition, vegetables, fruits and lean meat or fish and low-calorie drinks and coffee are allowed. Carbohydrates, visible fats and sugars should be kept to a minimum. Supposedly the egg diet should have contributed to the fact that the "Iron Lady" lost 9 kilos in two weeks.

Effects of eggs on your body

Eggs have a bad reputation for years due to their high cholesterol value? wrongly. Because the cholesterol contained in the egg hardly affects the blood levels. They are even (surprisingly) healthy because they contain not only proteins but also vitamins D, B12 and K, biotin and valuable minerals in the form of iron and selenium. In addition, an egg contains a high proportion of unsaturated fatty acids, which are considered to be particularly healthy.

When it comes to losing weight, these ingredients help to saturate the body for a long time and boost fat metabolism. A study by Saint Louis University shows that eggs generally have a positive effect on weight. As part of the investigation, one group of overweight people had to eat two eggs each morning, and another group ate a bagel that had approximately the same number of calories. The result: test subjects who ate eggs had a 60 percent greater weight loss than their counterparts who ate bagels. During the day, they consumed 330 calories less.

Criticizing the egg diet

Although eggs are healthy, in principle one should also pay attention to the measure. The recommended amount of protein by the German Society of Nutrition (DGE) is 0.8 grams per kilogram of body weight a day. That would be in a woman with 60 kilograms 48 grams of protein (about 3 eggs per day). The upper limit is two grams per kilogram of body weight per day.

The egg diet is one of the mono-diets, which means that the focus is mainly on a food. For this reason, this weight loss program should only be performed for a few days and only by people who are completely healthy. After all, health can be affected by a lack of nutrients. After the diet, it can also come to the dreaded yo-yo effect. For a long-term weight loss, a balanced diet and sufficient exercise are more appropriate.

Video Recommendation:

The Egg Diet: Does It Work? | UCLA Center for Clinical Nutrition (July 2024).

Margaret Thatcher, drinks, losing weight