Dry shampoo: what can the trend product do?

The alarm rings: get up! Now? Way too early. And the hair looks. Oh no, today is the appointment with the boss. But now wash your hair and blow dry? Takes forever. Where is the dry shampoo?

Especially women with long hair will find themselves in this description - except for the dry shampoo maybe. Many people are afraid of that. "Simply spray it without water, that's disgusting!" find many. Or: "With dark hair, that does not work, the residue looks like scales ..." Is that true?

Just a few years ago, only the good old "terry" from the blue spray can was known. And yes, a white film of powder settled on the hair and could only be removed by straining terry. So whether the brand name came? In the GDR even sulfuric powder was used to get a grip on greasy preparations. No wonder that dry shampoo was frowned upon for a long time.

Everything is over! Today, dry shampoo is back in fashion

The recipes are now so good that they are suitable even for dark hair and very dry hair. Excess sebum, which deposits on the scalp and on the roots, is absorbed and the hair is (almost) washed as if fresh. "The products are based on silicate and starch mixtures, and some formulations also contain alcohol, which enhances the absorbing effect," explains Prof. Crisan Popescu, hair expert at the University of Aachen.

The application is simple: Step 1: Shake and apply only on dry hair. Step 2: Spray on the batches in batches - at a distance of about 20 centimeters. Step 3: Leave for one to two minutes. Now the product can be massaged and brushed. The order determines how the look works. Who rubs it, gets more volume. Who brushes the hair gets more shine. Tip: For extra volume, the dry shampoo can also be sprayed in lengths. But then the hair looks dull. Also for updos or other elaborate hairstyles is dry shampoo. Because: The hair is grippier and can be styled easier.

Is a permanent application harmful?

Prof. Popescu believes that regular use is safe: "Bedouins travel through the desert for weeks, and the sand (silicate!) Prevents excess fat from accumulating in the hair." This is similar to dry shampoo. Nevertheless, regular hair washing is irreplaceable. "How often you want to wash depends on the length of your hair." "Longer hair can also do without water and shampoo for three to five days, whereas short hair can be washed daily." As a cheap alternative can also serve baby powder or baking soda. Both absorb sebum and fat in a similar way to dry shampoo. The benefit of dry shampoo: the fragrance, the volume that is produced, and the conditioners.

Incidentally, the dry shampoo is an ideal companion for the handbag and sports bag. On the way, the hairstyle can be refreshed and who has no desire for hair washing after the workout, reaches for the spray can. Disgusting? No! "Dry shampoo is not unhygienic and the scalp is actually cleansed of dry shampoo," says Prof. Popescu.

Video Recommendation:

We Tested 100 Dry Shampoos To Find Our Favorite 5 | Beauty | Refinery29 (May 2024).

Dry shampoo, dandruff, DDR, dry shampoo, use dry shampoo, do not wash hair, wash less hair