Drugstore shock: Now the next chain is in front of the AUS!

We all still remember the dramatic end of "Schlecker". It's now five years since the drugstore chain disappeared from the market and numerous employees suddenly stood on the street.

Now the next chain threatens the off. But this time it is not an end with bang, but a slow dying: "your place" disappears after for the market!

© Carsten Milbret

Ironically, "Ihr Platz", the drugstore chain with the chamomile flower in the logo, used to be Schlecker's. After leaving the mother chain, nearly 50 shops operated by franchisees were transferred to a new company. Many so-called "Schleckerfrauen" saw here a chance for themselves.

Competition by Rossmann and dm too strong

But a lot has happened in the last few years. At that time "Ihr Platz" had good chances, especially in less densely populated areas in the countryside, because the top dogs dm and Rossmann were not so common there. But that has changed. The consequence: many branches had to close because of the strong competition, today are left from the nearly 50 branches only 16 "their place" markets in completely Germany.

According to Manager Magazin, experts assume that the brand will slowly disappear from the market this year. It would be a quiet farewell to another cult brand that has accompanied us for many years?

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Drugstore, Schlecker, Drugstore