Does banana water help against insomnia?

Drink with fatigue effect

Around 25 percent of all Germans suffer from sleep disorders, and eleven percent struggle with a not restful sleep. This emerges from a recent survey by the Robert Koch Institute.

However, those who struggle with insomnia should not immediately resort to chemical aids. Certain foods also have a tiring effect and are good for falling asleep: For example, did you have the home remedy banana water on the slip?

Why banana water? Quite simply, the fruit contains the amino acid tryptophan, which helps the body to produce sleep-promoting melatonin and serotonin. The high magnesium and potassium content also causes your muscles to relax.

And so it's done:

Put about 500 milliliters of water in a saucepan and bring to a boil. Incidentally, you can thoroughly wash and slice half an organic banana. The banana pieces are now with shell and a pinch of cinnamon added to the water? You let the whole thing pull under closed lid for ten minutes. Et voilà: Finished is the homemade banana water.

It is best to drink one, two hours before bedtime - then the body slowly comes to rest and you have the appropriate "bed weight".

Sleep | Does Drinking Hot Milk Help You Sleep? | (May 2024).

Insomnia, home remedies, RKI, food, banana water, insomnia, fall asleep