Descale the coffee machine: The best tips

If your coffee machine slows down over time or you find small white chunks in your coffee, lime probably got stuck in the pipes. Depending on the water hardness, these deposits are formed very quickly. Descaling the coffee maker should be done regularly to enjoy it for a long time.

Descale coffee machine: Which home remedy for which coffee machine

With the large number of machine types, which differ in their function as well as in the use of different materials, not all descaler are equally recommended for each model. Some of the home remedies listed below contain acids that can attack certain surfaces. Please note the manufacturer's instructions and care instructions for your coffee maker before deciding on a method for decalcifying.

Descale coffee machine: The best home remedies

  • Vinegar / vinegar essence: Vinegar is a very reliable descaling agent. Its aggressive acid, however, can attack rubber seals and aluminum-containing substances. Therefore, he is more likely to descale a conventional one Coffee maker suitable. In a coffee machine, the use is rather discouraged. Mix simple white Household vinegar in the ratio 1: 2 with water and fill the tank of your filter coffee machine with it. Place the coffee pot under the filter container as usual and let the liquid through halfway through. Then turn off the machine for about twenty minutes to let the decalcifier work in the pipes before you let the rest of the solution through. Empty and clean the pot and run clear water two to three times through the filter coffee machine, otherwise there might be an acid surprise in your morning coffee. Alternatively, you can also use more dilute vinegar essence accordingly. Vinegar and vinegar essence are also suitable for decalcification.
  • Citric acid: Citric acid and lemon juice concentrate are true anti-calcification miracle products and suitable for most coffee machines. Not for nothing is citric acid the basis of many commercially available descaler. If your machine contains aluminum-containing parts, you should not use it and prefer to resort to another home remedy. Otherwise solve a teaspoon of the powder in half a liter of water and fill the mixture into the water tank. Then go the same way as with the vinegar mixture. Instead of citric acid you can also use lemon juice concentrate from the bottle to descale your coffee machine. It comes a tablespoon of concentrate to one liter of water.
  • Baking powder: With baking soda you can also carry out the decalcification. stir a packet in half a liter of hot water until the powder has dissolved. Fill it in the tank and let it act for about 15 minutes. Since the solution is less aggressive than the acidic variants, it takes a little longer to remove lime and old coffee stains. After an appropriate exposure time, you can turn on the machine and when the baking soda is completely in the pot you can go through two to three clear water.
  • Aspirin: As strong as in headaches is the classic from the pharmacy even with calcium deposits. Fill the tank of your coffee machine with water and dissolve a pill in it. After a short stirring, you let the machine through normally. Also do not forget to run after clear water several times.
  • Denture cleaners: Even with the toothpaste for the third you can decalcify your coffee machine and remove ugly coffee stains. Just go for it just like the aspirin.

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Quick Tip: Why Descale? (May 2024).

Coffee maker, water, home remedies, limescale, lime, cleaner, vinegar