Cutting raspberries: The best tips

After raspberry planting, we must also cultivate the berry bushes properly. This includes not only the casting and fertilizing, but also a pruning. Only then can we have healthy fruits in the garden.

Cutting raspberries: When is the right time?

The pruning of raspberries is generally direct at best after harvest, Nonetheless, summer raspberries and autumn raspberries are cut back in different ways. The reason for this is the different growth behavior of the berry bushes.

  • at summer raspberries should be in March or April be carried out an educational intersection and in summer after the harvest then a form and maintenance cut.
  • In the autumn raspberry A single step backwards is enoughin the autumn after harvest.

Cutting raspberries: This is how it is with the summer varieties

Summer raspberries only carry raspberries on the two-year-old rods, so when cutting down we have to pay close attention to what needs to be removed and what is not. So that you can optically distinguish the ripening of summer raspberries: the older rods are darker than the younger ones.

How To Prune Raspberries, Permaculture Gardening (May 2024).

Raspberry, garden, garden maintenance, gardening, plant tip, plant care