Aldi versus Lidl - who is ahead?

Millions of Germans swear by shopping at discount stores. Good quality for little money - this is what Lidl, Aldi, Penny and Co. promise again and again.

For decades, Aldi was considered the undisputed discount number 1, but is it still so? Or has Lidl long since outdone the top dog? A new investigation shows: The Schwarz group, to which Lidl and also Kaufland belong, are larger than Aldi!

A worldwide ranking of the top-selling retailers, which has now published the consulting firm Deloitte, shows: After sales, the Schwarz Group is the world's number 4 retailer, Aldi "only" on rank 8th Both, however, are far ahead of the German supermarket chains Rewe, Edeka and Co. - they are the only Germans to make it into the top ten.

Incidentally, the winner of the worldwide ranking is the US chain WalMart in front of the American chains Costco and Kroger.

German ALDI vs US ALDI (May 2024).

ALDI, Lidl, investigation, discounter, Kaufland