A Christmas bouquet in festive colors

Make your own Christmas Bouquet - you need:

  • five stalks Amaryllis' Loyality
  • in each case three branches larch (with cones), priest's hat and rosehip 'Multiflora'
  • Vase or pitcher

Make your own Christmas Bouquet - how it works:

1. Our Christmas Bouquet consists of five stems Amaryllis 'Loyality' and three branches each Larch (with cones), Pfaffenhütchen and Rosehip 'Multiflora' - there's everything for the florist, the branches but maybe in your garden.

2. Cut the amaryllis to the desired length with a sharp knife (not the scissors!) And cover it with Tesa film above the cut edge, this stabilizes the tubular stems.

3 First place the amaryllis in the vase (here an old silver jug), then carefully put the branches in between.

4. Together with other shimmering accessories, such as farmer's silver, this Christmas bouquet looks especially good against a dark background.

Easy Christmas Planters - Classic Christmas Colors - Outdoor Christmas Decorating (May 2024).

Advent time, anticipation, Christmas, decoration, advent, festive, mood