• May 19, 2024

8 reasons why we should have sex more often

(Almost) every adult woman is in the mood for sex

You do not believe that? The stress of everyday life, the passion that has become less after several years of relationship, the little ones who do not sleep properly next door ... That's right, that does not promote the desire for sex. But few women really suffer from "discomfort". The sex therapist Susanna-Sitari Rescio says in the ChroniquesDuVasteMonde interview about women's sexual desires: "If sex is not fun, it's logical that you do not develop desire and eventually you do not want it anymore." She believes that women know too little about their own excitement. And therefore you can not show your partner what really turns her on. The path to sexual gratification first of all leads to oneself. It encourages women to explore, to perceive their own fantasies and then to live them out self-confidently. "I experience through stories that many women just play in sex."

Sex makes a woman shine

The 86-year-old sex therapist Ruth Westheimer once said that she looks at people on the street, whether they have a full sex life. And the grande dame of sex must know. She has written 31 non-fiction books on the subject. Ruth Westheimer does not want to build up pressure with such statements, but emphasize that sex strengthens one's self-confidence.

It's shitty to have no sex

This is what author Eva-Maria Zurhorst says in the ChroniquesDuVasteMonde LIVE interview. She explained that a relationship needs sex in order to function: "Sex has totally slipped into the pear, we experience love over the body, not over the head." It is important, however, to get rid of performance thinking. It's about touch, about closeness, about taking the pace out. In her book Soulsex she shows how one can approach one another after many sexless years.

Sex is healthy

Sex has been proven to boost the immune system, reduce stress levels, relieve pain, improve sleep, are good for the heart, stimulate the nervous system ... This series is likely to continue for a long time. Our body and soul love sex - probably more than we perceive. So if you have sex, it will take care of yourself.

Sex makes you slim

Only a few have sex for athletic reasons, but the fact that you lose about 350 calories each time makes it even more enjoyable.

You can have sex alone

Solosex is also sex - you must not forget that. Especially because he brings you very close to your own wishes. If you need a bit of variety, try out different vibrators - these little "lovers" can also inspire you. The ChroniquesDuVasteMonde editorial has already tested once.

Sex strengthens your relationship

Sex welds couples not only because it (ideally) satisfies both, but also because the hormone oxytocin is released. That provides a sense of trust and security, scientists explain.

They think about sex anyway

No matter how much sex we really have, the yearning is always there. For example, the success of the erotic novel "Shades of Gray" has shown. So, when you're dreaming about sex, why not just have it?

8 Reasons Your Period Is Late (May 2024).

Sex, sex, reasons for sex, lust, women, relationships