7 things about men, who only become aware of us when we turn 30

1. If they are interested, then they show that too

We write him a message - and nothing comes back for days. In the past, we used to rhyme with various reasons in the case: He is in the hospital, his cell phone is broken, the SMS has not arrived ... At 30, we finally realize: If he is really interested in us, then he answers promptly , Basta. There are no excuses.

2. You have a soft core

While it was still uncool to cry at 18 with men, they notice with advancing age: Women stand on men who show emotions. That's why their soft core is increasingly coming to the fore. And we find it to melt away.

3. You need exact "instructions"

Whether at home or during sex - it helps men the most when they are told EXACTLY what to do. For example, a bed in bed is a thousand times better than having them fiddled for eternity. What they do not like is a commanding tone. Then they like to do the opposite.

4. You are looking for confirmation

Whether in bed, at work or in sports - men are always in search of admiration. That's why we like to praise her in everyday life. But we do not have to overdo it ...

5. They conceal their uncertainty

There are these men who hide behind macho fuss and chauvinism. When we were teenagers, maybe we thought that was cool. Today we know that behind this there is usually a lot of uncertainty. With their "I'm the hottest" mentality, they try to compensate for their deficits.

6. You want to be hugged

Men do not like cuddling? Nonsense! At the age of 30, we have long since realized that most of them are real cuddly bears. And sometimes have to be comforted. Of course we like to do it!

7. We do not have to understand everything about them

No matter how long you have known a man, you will never be completely overlooked. Because sometimes there is no logic behind what he does. But what the hell, we women have our secrets, right?

7 Things I Wish I Knew In My 20's (May 2024).