5 typical rookie knitting mistakes? You should pay attention to that

1. Do not buy enough wool

More important than the gram specification is the run length of the wool! Especially if you use a different material than stated in the recommendation. Therefore, you should calculate in advance how many meters of wool and not how many grams you need for your piece of knitting.

2. Inappropriate wool and needles

Wool is available in beautiful bright or muted colors, with gradient or plain. But more important than the color selection is the right material for your piece of knitting. Summer or winter clothes? Does it have to be hard-wearing or very warm? You should know these wool and yarns and their properties:

  • merino comes from the breed Merino and is thinner than conventional sheep's wool. It is breathable and dries quickly and is particularly suitable for scarves, caps, arm warmers and children's clothing.
  • alpaca wool It is soft, durable, moisture-repellent and, above all, keeps you warm, making it great for winter wear!
  • mohair comes from the Angora goat is very fine and soft and is suitable for scarves, socks, sweaters and coats.
  • cashmere is very fine and warming, so it is perfect for knitting pullovers and hats.
  • chenille is very soft and velvety, but not very hard-wearing. Therefore, rather for hats, scarves, but also for clothes such as sweaters use.
  • linen is breathable and soft. This succeeds especially light pieces for the summer, such. Eg tops.
  • Hanfgarn is much more robust and therefore it fits for z. B. (shopping) bags.

You will find even more tips in the article: What types of wool are there?

Depending on your wool are also the matching needles! On the knitting needles is given a strength that must match the wool. On the banderole of your wool is usually a recommendation of the manufacturer for a needle size indicated. Because only with the right size you achieve a consistent result.

3. Leave out the stitch sample

Yeah, the stitching is not fun, but ... it just makes sure your knit is the right size. Especially if you work with new needles or a new yarn. Because you certainly do not want that your sweater after a long work in the end does not have the right fit? a subsequent correction is not possible.

4. Keep work thread wrong

If you keep the thread too loose, your stitches will become too loose and too big. In the opposite case, if you hold the thread too tight, your stitches look too small. In this video, we'll show you how to best hold the thread.

5. Do not bind off the stitches correctly

To ensure that the knit looks really fine at the end, the stitches should not be tied off too tight. Otherwise, could it happen that your edge contracts? and your knitting gets narrower at the top. How to cheat off correctly, you will learn in this simple guide: Bind off the stitches.

Videotipp: Knitting is so healthy

Embroidery Hub Ep. 37: Top 10 Mistakes Embroiderers Make Pt1 | Embroidery Tips (May 2024).
