10 things that IMMEDIATELY improve when you stop smoking

But your quality of life improves immediately in other areas as well. We'll show you 10 more reasons to quit smoking now.

10 reasons to quit smoking

1. Your sense of smell and taste improves

Really! Already 48 hours after the last cigarette you will experience a perfect one again new dimension of the smell and taste again much more intense, As the Federal Ministry of Health Education (BZgA) writes, the taste buds flatten after a few years of smoking.

When you stop smoking, you quickly realize that suddenly everything tastes better. This can be the bit of chocolate that suddenly suddenly tastes like chocolate again, a fresh fruit or the breakfast roll with jam. Try it!

You will see: With the new smell and taste the appetite for delicious, healthy food comes back.

2. You feel less stressed and more relaxed

It has been proven that in heavy smokers about 20 minutes after the last cigarette, the stress hormone dopamine is released. The consequence: You feel stressed, your nerves are tense and you are not really balanced anymore. Then things are said that are not meant that way.

Studies show, according to BZgA, that nicotine consumption, especially in adolescents Influence thinking and shorten the attention span can. Smoking adolescents tended to be more impulsive, including their school and work performance.

So as soon as you have been able to stop smoking, these stress relapses will stop you and you will become calmer and more relaxed. That's nice prospects!

3. Your clothes do not stink anymore

Speaking of sense of smell: It is no secret that cold smoke on clothes and in the hair smell anything but yummy. This has an end now. Finally your fellow human beings take that again Delicate scented detergent, the flowery-fresh shampoo or your perfume true. Your environment will thank you.

4. You are less likely to be ill

Did you also notice that you often suffer from colds and actually cough and sneeze? In fact, it is like that Smokers are more prone to infections, Your nasopharynx, according to BZgA, contains fewer "good bacteria" that normally help displace "bad" bacteria. In addition, the body of smokers react more to pathogens than that of non-smokers.

This overreaction of the immune system attacks the lung tissue more than would otherwise be the case. On top of that, that's constantly irritated mucous membranes significantly more susceptible to cough and runny nose are. As soon as you are a non-smoker, that will improve too. You feel fitter and less likely to get sick.

5. Your smile will be more beautiful

Smokers know that: The teeth are discolored and the gums are attacked. The consequence: yellow teeth, dark gums, periodontal disease? and bad breath, And in the worst case, the teeth fall out at some point. The smile can really go by.

But as soon as you stop smoking, the discoloration will go down and you can finally smile carefree again.

6. You look younger

And because we're at it: Your skin will be nicer and smoother. The skin of smokers often looks pale, gray and wrinkled. That's because the BZgA says they do less blood flow and that free radicals attack and damage the cells, This in turn inhibits the formation of new collagen and elastin, which are responsible for smooth, smooth skin.

As soon as you stop smoking, this unhealthy, pale color disappears. Your skin will be rosy, radiant and smoother. Also great Eye bags and sagging cheeks as well as pimples and psoriasis can be alleviatedas soon as you stop smoking.

7. You can cover money

It's a very simple calculation: even if you smoke only four cigarettes a day, burns over 400 euros a year, That's about the equivalent of a city trip on a long weekend, a short wellness holiday or to the new sofa that you wanted to treat yourself for so long. Who smokes a box a day throws in the year even whole 1,300 euros from the window.

So, when you quit smoking, you can finally start saving on the things you've been wanting for a long time. Reward yourself by collecting the money in a piggy bank and then slaughtering it at a set time.

8. You have more time for other things

Try to figure out how much time you spend each day standing outside the door or on the balcony while life goes on elsewhere. Whether in the office, at home, with friends or family: You miss so much while standing in the cold and pulling at your butt. When you quit smoking, you have more time for your loved ones and the beautiful, shared moments.

9. Your colleagues will love you

It's a bit of a hassle when it comes to work when some colleagues say goodbye and take a short break from smoking. Because these break times are not available to all others and so sometimes comes the feeling that smokers would work less than their non-smoking colleagues.

If you stop smoking, the climate in the office improves twice: once it smells of unpleasant after your smoking break unpleasant for cold smoke and on the other feel your colleagues less of you in the lurch.

10. It finally works with the desire for children

Smoking not only damages the lungs, heart and blood vessels, it also reduces fertility. This applies to both men and women. Because not only women lose fertility, even in men is the Decreased blood flow in the genitals, by which the potency suffers. If you stop smoking, it may finally work out with the baby.

And everyone else can be happy, because often Experiencing former smoker orgasms more intenseas soon as you quit smoking.

You want to know more?

Even more information about smoking cessation and non-smoking, you get on the page smoke-free from the Federal Center for Health Education (BZgA), which is aimed primarily at young people who want to know more about smoking and non-smoking. There you will learn everything that is important.

Scientists look at smokers' brain activity before and after quitting (May 2024).

No smoking, no smoking, cigarette smoke, health