UN Climate Conference: How Bill Gates wants to save the earth

How Bill Gates wants to get a grip on global warming

A coalition of just under 30 entrepreneurs and 20 states aims to promote the exploration and use of clean energy worldwide. One of the key figures of Mission Innovation is Bill Gates. The former Microsoft CEO presents the project in Paris today - together with Barack Obama, François Hollande and India's President Narendra Modi. Gates also forged the Breakthrough Energy Coalition, an association of private companies and states.

Clean energies should come back into focus

While there has been some progress in using green energy, the pace of innovation and dissemination is far too slow, according to Mission Innovation. Clean energy research urgently needs to be revived and accelerated to make it accessible and affordable anywhere in the world.

Which entrepreneurs are involved?

As part of the "Breakthrough Energy Coalition", Bill Gates does not just want to invest private capital, he has also won nearly 30 other entrepreneurs for the coalition. Mark Zuckerberg and his wife Dr. Priscilla Chan (Facebook), Jeff Bezos (Amazon), Meg Whitman (Hewlett Packard) and Richard Branson (Virgin). From Germany, SAP co-founder Hasso Plattner is taking part. The only condition for the use of private capital on a large scale: public funding must also flow. 20 states have agreed to participate.

Which countries are involved?

All 20 participating countries agree to double their R & D investment spending over the next five years. Included are Australia, Brazil, Canada, Chile, China, Denmark, France, Germany, India, Indonesia, Italy, Japan, Mexico, Norway, Saudi Arabia, South Korea, Sweden, United Arab Emirates, United Kingdom, United States.

What exactly should be achieved?

The money will be used, among other things, to research how clean energy can be stored better and cheaper. An important goal: in future, especially in developing and emerging countries, people should be supplied with clean energy instead of coal. In India, for example, there are still hundreds of millions of people without access to electricity.

Bill Gates: Stop cow farts to help slow climate change (May 2024).

Bill Gates, India, Germany, Paris, Barack Obama, François Hollande