Iron deficiency: So you get it under control

Iron deficiency? What is it?

Iron is vital to the body, because it binds oxygen in the blood pigment hemoglobin? the most important component of red blood cells. This allows oxygen to be transported to the cells. Women need about 15 milligrams of iron every day, about twice as much during pregnancy. If the iron requirement is not met, iron deficiency occurs. If the body lacks the trace element, anemia can occur.

Causes of iron deficiency

Worldwide, one in four suffers from iron deficiency, especially in developing countries, the deficiency phenomenon is widespread. Women of childbearing age are particularly affected, in Europe one in ten. Above all, the menstruation is blamed: blood loss leads to iron deficiency. The following diseases can cause iron deficiency:

  • fibroids
  • endometriosis
  • stomach ulcers
  • hemorrhoids
  • Tumors in the gastrointestinal tract

Blood donations can also be responsible for iron deficiency.

In addition to pregnant and breastfeeding Vegetarians and vegans often suffer from this deficiency because meat is an important source of iron. Also endangered are all persons whose body can not absorb iron from food well? because of diarrhea or stomach surgery.

Which symptoms should make me sit up?

Following symptoms occur in case of a lack of iron:

  • paleness
  • fatigue
  • fatigue
  • difficulty concentrating
  • Susceptibility to infections
  • Dry skin
  • Brittle hair / hair loss
  • Nails: grooves and discoloration

Iron needs and diagnosis: How do I know if I'm affected?

Iron deficiency can be easily detected with a blood test. It is more difficult to clarify the cause. Debt can be malnutrition, but also blood loss is eligible. Therefore, the doctor examines the stool and makes a gastrointestinal reflection.

Some people can not absorb iron properly in the body. This can be determined with a so-called iron resorption test. The doctor measures the iron content in the blood, administers iron and then repeats the measurement.

How can you treat iron deficiency?

Iron tablets and a high-iron diet help to meet the iron needs. This takes several months because the body can absorb iron only in limited quantities. Iron supplements should not be taken without medical supervision, because they can easily be overdosed.

Iron deficiency has been triggered by a condition such as endometriosis, stomach ulcers or hemorrhoids, it is also important to start with the causes of therapy.

How can I protect myself?

Healthy people who eat a balanced diet absorb enough iron through their diet. Our body can absorb iron from animal food better than from vegetable, therefore meat is the most important source of iron. But the following foods also help to balance our iron balance and should be eaten regularly:

  • beans
  • nuts
  • whole grain products
  • linseed
  • quinoa
  • oatmeal
  • spinach

Danger: Coffee, tea and milk hinder iron absorption, vitamin C improves it.

Read-Tippp: Similarly unpleasant complaints caused by a zinc deficiency!

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Iron Is Important for Everyone, not Just Tony Stark - First With Kids (May 2024).

Iron deficiency, fatigue, hair loss, health encyclopedia, iron deficiency