WHtR: The new slim formula?

The BMI (Body Mass Index) - the formula "body weight divided by height squared" - has been the common indicator of whether someone is normal or overweight.

Now, a German study with 11,000 participants has shown that it is much better to divide the Waist circumference (Waist) by Height to check the personal health risk. For under-40s should this WHtR Waist-to-Height-Ratio) 0.5, with older people at most 0.6. A small deviation from these values ​​is still okay, with larger differences health risks increase.

Behind it stands what has long been known: For the health risk, not only the weight, but also the waist size is crucial. A thick belly increases the risk of diabetes, cardiovascular and other diseases. Because fat on and especially in the stomach - around the organs - is harmful to health. Therefore, the recommendation to measure the waist circumference in addition to the BMI has long been considered. He should not be over 88 centimeters in women and not over 102 centimeters in men.

Do you need the WHtR formula anyway? Especially since she is not really new. "As early as 2006, we found out that the WHtR formula is a good reflection of the risk for diabetes risk," says Prof. Heiner Boeing from the German Institute for Nutrition Research. "It is also a good risk marker for mortality, but this formula has no additional value compared to the combination of BMI plus abdominal circumference."

In this respect, even measuring the waist circumference in addition to size and weight is an advance when it comes to health risk. But stomach is not the same belly. Heiner Boeing: "Anyone who is tall may also have a thicker belly." This is exactly what the WHtR value reflects, because it includes body size.

But now, before discussing new formulas, one must first get the doctors to routinely measure the waist circumference, says the nutritionist. "Most just put their patients on the scales."

And maybe that shows that someone is normal weight - despite a thick belly. And it weighs in false security. In fact, he has an increased risk of becoming ill, according to Boeing, who is well aware of the relationship between abdominal girth and health risk, even at normal weight, from the results of the EPIC study.

The trend to the stomach is unfortunately unbroken. A Swedish study has recently shown that in recent years, especially in women, the body fat distribution has shifted unfavorably: away from the buttocks and hips, to the stomach. Apple instead of pear so. Comforting for those who have a big ass.

Conclusion: The WHtR is a supplement to what already exists. It represents a refinement of the previous measuring methods.

How do we stay healthy and slim? Prof. Christoph Bamberger in an interview.

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BMI, body mass index, height, disease risk, bmi, weight, lose weight