Which type of man would you most likely marry?

Actually, we would be well advised to look at the partner's choice on the inner values. Because according to a study, the likelihood that a marriage will be divorced, 40 percent higher, if the appearance in the relationship plays an important role.

However, we can not completely hide the appearance of a potential partner. This is the conclusion of the Finnish evolutionary biologist Markus J. Rantala from the University of Turku. According to his studies, the decision of whom we will marry is strongly influenced by how attractive we find our partner.

The biological reason for this: Good looks are an indication of high-quality genetic material, which in turn is advantageous in reproduction, so Rantala. If a woman finds a man attractive, the underlying assumption is that he has a strong immune system, a lot of testosterone and little stress hormones.

But what do women actually think of men as attractive? The editors of the Finnish women's magazine "Menaiset" took the study of Rantala as an opportunity to find a response to this with a survey. In doing so, they do not want to limit themselves to the preferences of Finnish women, but also compare how the tastes differ according to their origin.

Now you're asked: Which of the eleven men shown in this poll would you most likely marry? Of course, we will also report on the evaluation. Have fun watching and voting!

What Type of Person Are You Most Likely to Marry? (May 2024).

Mate choice, partner choice, what is attractive, marry, relationship