What your hair tells about your sex life

The psychology of the hairstyle? absurd or justified?

Hair is so much more than horn filaments that consist of keratin. They are supposed to tell us something about our sex life. Says at least one American website called Bustle. Based on our hairstyle? the pure form of self-expression? In fact, one can recognize which type of human being we are and which, in turn, allows conclusions to be drawn to our love life. Sounds daring, but actually logical? especially since it has been statistically proven that we like to get a new haircut after breakups.

Which hairstyle? which love type?

It has even been scientifically researched that hair and psyche are interrelated: Professor Reinhold Bergler and psychologist Dr. In an empirical study from 2008 "The psychology of the first impression", Tanja Hoff examined the "language of the hair" in particular: Women believe that it is easy to see how spirited, healthy or trendy someone is. Men even dare to be able to close their hair on intelligence, performance orientation and self-confidence of women.

Can not conclusions then be drawn to the sex life? At least purely speculative with a small wink. That could be your hairstyles about you - with the emphasis on could.

Long straight hair

Long hair is considered the epitome of femininity. Long, smooth and straight cut hair is the hairstyle classic par excellence. A boring image? Not necessarily. Here hides a perfectionist. Rose petals, scented candles, sparkling wine and the ultimate Spotify love playlist are part of the sex program. Spontaneous, however, is not as strong as the straight-haired.

Messy hair bun

Jerked together at the nape of my neck: What do easy-peasy hairstyles tell about the love life? The wearer is uncomplicated. A long seduction scenario seems superfluous. What is desired is not necessarily the quick number, but quite simple sex that does not last for hours.

Unusual hairstyles

Unusual hairstyle, wild color = unusual sex preferences. Sounds flat, but could be true. "Think what you want" is a principle of this hairstyle type. Being pretty for a man is not one of the top styling principles. Individuality is capitalized? and that also applies to the love life.


Curlywomen like to take care of their hair. Kitchen psychologists quickly conclude vanity in this behavior? which in turn allows conclusions to be drawn as to how the curl-bearer should behave in lovemaking. Namely: The big staging is part of the plan. And not in the romantic way, but to aim that it is put as well as possible in scene.

Pixie Cut or Long Bob

Meticulous and accurate? this is how the wearers of this exact graphic haircut should be. Seduction games with food? Bullshit! Smooching on the beach? Just bring sand to your hair. Sounds like a pragmatic number. Would the wearer of these hairstyles not funny, trendy and easy going. That in turn sounds like having fun in bed.

Wavy hair

Apparently carriers of wavy hair are sensitive. Partners need to take special care here. One-night stands are not for the beach waves girl. Declarations of love, deep looks and many kisses are obligatory!

You feel like a hairy change? Here you will find the 25 most beautiful hairstyle classics.

Hair Loss and Sexual Intimacy With Breast Cancer (May 2024).

Sex life, haircut, hair sex, what your hair reveals about your sex life, hair love life