What your eyes say about your health

Eyes are not only mirrors of your soul, providing information about your mood, they also provide essential information about your health. Because diseases leave traces on the eyes and on your retina? which can not only be recognized by the trained eye of the ophthalmologist.

Red eyes

Who suffers from reddened eyes, most likely has a conjunctivitis, which subsides within a few days? if she is treated with the appropriate medication. However, red eyes can also be a sign of a serious condition, such as rheumatism or diabetes. The inflammation, also called uveitis, must be treated with cortisone to prevent vision loss. By the way: Even herpes can be the culprit for a red eye. Let the inflammation on the eye best clarified by the specialist to find the right treatment.

Yellow discoloration

Yellow discolorations in the eye and on the skin should be quite disturbing. Responsible for yellowing is the so-called bilirubin, a bile pigment and waste product of the red blood pigment hemoglobin. Bilirubin can enter the bloodstream for several reasons. Liver disease, excessive consumption of liver-damaging substances (such as medications and alcohol) or an unhealthy and high-fat diet. In the worst case, yellow eyeballs may indicate hepatitis, liver cirrhosis, or liver cancer. Also gallstones and the metabolic disorder Morbus Meulengracht can trigger the discoloration.

Dry eyes

Dry eyes can usually be attributed to the ambient conditions. Air conditioning, computer work, cigarette smoke or hot weather can significantly affect the adequate supply of the eyes with tear fluid. However, an allergy, hormonal changes, pregnancy or menopause are often triggers for dry and sensitive eyes. However, they can also be signs of thyroid disease.


The swelling of the lower eyelids can have several causes: The most powerful influence probably has the genetic predisposition, which is responsible for how your connective tissue is. Smoking and alcohol increase the likelihood that eye bags develop from the dark circles in old age. Seldom are the swellings signs of kidney disease. If kidney function is limited, does it cause water retention in the body? among other things in the eye area.

Iris rings

A whitish-yellow ring around the iris is usually associated with an elevated cholesterol level. This is especially true for younger people, older people over 50 years get this ring mostly as a symptom of aging. A greenish-brownish ring on the cornea, on the other hand, could be a sign of the disease Wilson's disease. It is a hereditary disease in which the copper metabolism in the liver is disturbed.

What Eyes Can Reveal About Your Health | The Doctors (May 2024).

Diabetes, rheumatism, cortisone, eyes, health, look, illness, sick, ophthalmologist