What does a perfect day look like?

An ideal day for women consists of these activities:

The "perfect day for a woman" is now scientifically recorded: researchers from the University of Bremen and the Georgia Institute of Technology interviewed about 900 women, how they would spend a day if they had a free choice.

The most popular activities, depending on the desired number of minutes: Spend 106 minutes with your partner, 98 minutes surfing the Internet, 82 minutes meeting friends, 78 minutes relaxing, 75 minutes eating (and previously cooking for 50 minutes), 68 minutes of sports, 57 minutes of phone calls and 56 minutes shopping.

Can you find yourself in this split? Or do you think this study is not exactly representative? What would your very personal, perfect day look like?

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How to Design the Perfect Day (May 2024).

Study result, Bremen