Weight cover: The miracle weapon against anxiety, sleep disturbances and stress?

9:30 pm. All five people living under my roof (including me) have still not come to rest. In my head, the To Do list of the week rattles up and down, my husband tigers around in the house and collects all the traces of the day. Upstairs, three kids are rolling around in bed. "Mamaaaa, I'm scared!", Shouts the middle one. "I do not want to sleep yet!" The little boy roars. And suddenly my grandchild is standing in front of me with a chill, "I think I can not all of my vocabulary." It's not every day like that. But sometimes I have the feeling that our house is still vibrating late into the night because of thoughts, worries and unrest. A side effect of our time? Perhaps. But that can not be good for us all.

The internet recommends a weight cover

I plan to go back to these evenings and start looking for solutions. A friend advises me on evening rituals that bring in peace. But the nightly bedtime story has long since become one of our solid structures. "Make the children a foot bath in the evening!" Says a friend. After two water battles and a longer bathroom cleaning action in the aftermath, I would not recommend this especially for children with particularly energetic children for imitation. Then I ask Google for help ... and lo and behold, the search engine spits out something very mystical: Therapy blankets, so blankets that evenly distribute weight throughout the body to remedy. Aha. Sounds weird. Therapeutic stop. But why not try it?

How the weight ceiling works

The principle of the weight blanket is not exactly new. They have long been used in hospitals and in the therapeutic field. For home use, they are just getting started. Perhaps because the air in other houses also in the evening still vibrates with energy. The blankets should be about as heavy as 10 percent of your own body weight. They do not have to be used overnight, but can also be used for about 20 minutes before falling asleep or even during the day if required. Then they should use the following three principles to help against inner turmoil, fears and stress:

  1. Deep even pressure on the body should have a calming effect on the autonomic nervous system.
  2. The pleasantly constrictive feeling is reminiscent of the safety of the womb, in which one felt particularly safe. The same principle is used, for example, when swaddling babies.
  3. The weight of the blanket triggers a similar reaction in the body, which is also caused by a tight embrace: The body releases the happiness hormone serotonin and the sleep hormone melatonin.

Testimonial weight cover: Five children, two adults, seven opinions

I ordered a weight cover for adults (8 kg) and one for children (3 kg). Tested my family and the family of my colleague.

Our conclusion? Whether the weight ceiling is suitable, is completely individual. The big question is not even the functionality, but rather the own will, to get involved in it. Not only in children.

Weight cover for children

Mia (2) found the weight cover uncomfortable. Would she have helped? No idea. Where from? Also Lasse (5) became really aggressive against the weight and immediately kicked free. Elea (7) loves the weight cover. She explained that Sandman's Sand is sewn into the blanket to help with anxiety. Well, imagination does not only create nightmares and fears, but sometimes also comfort. In fact, Elea has become much calmer with the blanket in the evening and is less afraid of falling asleep. Meral (12) never wants to fall asleep again without a weight blanket. Since she puts the blanket over her before falling asleep, she worries much less in the evening and finds it easier to sleep.

Weight cover for adults

My colleague liked the uniform weight as well. "I love it when a blanket snuggles in. The weight was totally comfortable." I also felt the calming effect and understand the thought. It's actually a bit like being hugged. However, I will rather hug a tiny little bit better. For singles or if there is no suitable arm nearby, the weight cover is certainly a nice alternative.

Clear Buy recommendation

That the weight ceiling is not for everyone, the manufacturers know. Under www.therapiedecken.de you can test the healing heavyweights for 28 days, before you decide for or against. That's enough in time, because if you like the weight or not, you realize very quickly. With the 28-day warranty, we have a clear Buy recommendation. At least a little more peace has returned to our house. And that our great is so enthusiastic, was a great stroke of luck.

Here are the weights

Hypnosis to Let Go of Negative Attachments & Rebuild Confidence (Sleep Meditation Healing) (April 2024).

Wonder weapon, sleep disorder, stress