VERO: We tested the new hype app

  • Vero is to make Instagram and Facebook competition
  • Who signs up now, can use the app for free
  • Servers are breaking down in a rush

Do you already have Vero? Everyone is talking (feeling) about this new social network. "Vero" is Italian for "real", the makers promise to give up all the bells and whistles for which Instagram and Facebook are criticized - especially data gathering and the algorithm.

Vero always organizes your friends' posts in chronological order - so there's no computer-generated sorting that supposedly adapts to your preferences.

And: There is no advertising! Vero wants to completely refrain from ads - but soon users will pay an annual fee. At the moment, the makers advertise that the first 1 million users can participate for free (clever strategy!).

Incidentally, there are criticisms from bloggers on the app: The terms of use states that the rights to all content that you upload are passed on to the app operators and other users - and thus they could virtually do what they want.

We tested Vero

Our colleague Mandy has already registered with Vero and tried out the new app. Read here what your experiences are:

© Screenshot / ChroniquesDuVasteMondeonline

When my friend sent me an invitation link for Vero, I was skeptical. I already spend enough time on Instagram, Facebook and Snapchat, so I do not need another app that robs my time and my data.

Suddenly I saw that more and more of my friends on their social channels announced that they are now active at Vero. When I heard that Vero could eventually become a subscription model and it is now available for free, I took the chance and got me the new app. The registration was straightforward and went quickly.

Similarities and differences to Facebook and Instagram

My first impression of Vero was: Modern look, clear, uncomplicated and somehow a mix of Facebook and Instagram. Why? Because?

? it one profile page which you can equip with a profile picture and a short description.

friend requests can be sent.

? you People follow can be without being connected with them as friends.

? you Posts in Instagram style can create. And by that I mean adding hashtags, editing pictures with all the trimmings.

? it one Chat feature gives.

But there are some crucial things that set Vero apart from other social networks:

Outline of contacts: You can divide your contacts into close friends, friends and acquaintances. If I want to post something, I can set which of my contact groups can see and like / comment on this.

Collecting various things: Vero has albums where you can collect different things. Pictures, links, music, movies / series, books and places? a nice way to put all his interests in one app.

Post of various things: I find this feature absolutely top! Not only is it possible to share pictures with his contacts, but all the things you can collect! If I have a new favorite song, I can share it directly with my friends, acquaintances, etc. If I want to recommend a series, I can do it immediately!

Conclusion: Vero brings together diverse user interests and provides a place to find and collect inspiration. In addition, you can network with people and exchange. In addition, the app scores with ease of use and clarity. One has the feeling of transparency in terms of attitudes and privacy. In my opinion, Vero has what it takes to be the new social media favorite.

VERO! THE NEW INSTAGRAM? What is Vero True Social? (May 2024).

Instagram, Facebook