Trout blue - to enjoy

Trout is a wonderful fish, and it tastes best when it is fresh on the table. A good relationship with the fishmonger is important so that you always get first-class goods. I'm cooking for two today, so I'll leave two beautiful trout à about 400 grams ready to cook. I wash them only very briefly (if you wash off too much of the slime, the trout will not turn blue later!) And put them a few stems of smooth parsley in the stomach. Then I need a pot in which the trout go in length. The best is one with a sieve insert, otherwise you will later use a clean cloth napkin to help.

For the fish-sud I clean nice fresh vegetables: Two spring onions (only the white and light green) are halved lengthwise, as well a thin stick of leek, I am cleaning two carrotsLeave a little green and halve as well. A piece of celeriac (about 130 grams) is cleaned and diced, two small onions are cleaned and quartered. I'll take that too a bay leaf, two stalks of parsley, two sprigs of thyme and one carnation.

I peel a few very small potatoes and do not leave them too soft in salt water. Then I give one and a half liters of strong salted water in the big fish pot, add the vegetables and let it cook for a few minutes. I'm pouring now 150 milliliters of white wine vinegar into it. With the sieve insert (or on a cloth napkin) I give now the trout on the vegetables in the pot, let the vinegar water boil again and simmer the trout in the water for six to eight minutes. You can easily test whether they are even: pluck at the dorsal fin - it must be easy to pull out. Now the vegetables are cooked, it should not be too soft.

For a delicious sauce, the Beurre Blanc, I am now melting a little nut butter (50 grams) in a small saucepan, give a very finely diced shallot to, a small dash of white wine vinegar and some crushed white pepper, All this I let a little boil, then I add three small ladles from the broth in which the trout cooked. Let it boil down a bit, then add the sauce 100 grams of butter - As always, it should be ice cold and in little flakes - mount, so stir the butter well with the whisk, so that the sauce binds. A little sea-salt To pass through and through the hair sieve, so that the diced shallots are fished out, and in the warmed Saucière with it!

I pour off the little ladles, swirl them briefly in some melted butter and dip them all around into chives, which I have cut into very fine rolls. This looks very decorative and tastes delicious with the fish. I serve the trout on a warmed plate, decorate the vegetables and potatoes around it. Bon Appetit!

So Lea Linster prepares the trout:

1. The trout and chopped vegetables are ready. 2. In the large fish pot, the vegetables are briefly pre-cooked in salt water. 3. Now comes white wine vinegar - so that the trout become blue. 4. The finished trout served on a large plate Lea, plus the vegetables and the fine Beurre Blanc

Blue Heron Trout Fishing (May 2024).

Trout, Lea Linster, cooking, trout, fish