This man brings us tears of emotion in the eyes!

My wife passed away last January. We? D been married for 62 years. You caught me at a time when I've been thinking ...

Posted by Humans of New York on Monday, February 1, 2016

My wife died in January. We were married 62 years. They meet me at a time when I think a lot about love because I read Shakespeare's sonnets. The definition of love is fleeting, so we do not stop writing about it. Even Shakespeare could not catch her. The biggest love stories are all about physical attraction. Romeo and Juliet did not know if they liked the same books or movies. Her love was only physical. After 62 years it will be something completely different. My wife used to say, "We are one." And believe me, she was not someone who likes to exaggerate. Now that she's gone, I understand how right she was. So much in our lives was connected. We were very physical and loving. But we also shared every ritual of our lives. I miss her every time I come out of the cinema and I can not ask her opinion. Or every time I go to a restaurant and she can not taste my chicken. I miss her most at night. We went to bed at the same time every night.?

Who is this wonderful old man?

Photo and statement of this wonderful old man has captured Brandon Stanton, author of the world-famous photo blog Humans of New York, which is already followed by more than 15 million people.

Since 2010, Stanton has photographed the inhabitants of his city and asks them short questions. The individual stories of love, grief, pain, doubt, loss and cohesion are universal - they could happen anywhere in the world.

You will see more touching photos and statements in German translation in the photo show Humans of New York: On Love, Loss and Happiness.

Mark's emotional tribute to brother leaves audience in tears | Auditions | BGT 2019 (July 2024).

Touch, New York