The Psychology of the Signs of the Zodiac: How do men tick?

Adventurousness, sensitivity, love: ChroniquesDuVasteMonde astrologer Roswitha Broszath explains the psychology of men in the various signs of the zodiac. How do men tick? Here you will find answers.

If you would like to know which zodiacal signs harmonize particularly well, consult our partner horoscope ("Astro-traffic light")!


Capricorn men are the creators, the strategists in the zodiac, who always occupy the leading floor. Manager of the conservative, hard-working sort, neat, methodical and always correct. An imaginative partner would be ideal to learn to get more involved in life. And happy to see that everyday life works well, if you enjoy lustful nights. However, an orderly basis of life, also material, not only caresses the ego for Capricorn men, but also strengthens the libido. Anyone who succeeds in penetrating the somewhat brittle-looking emotional protective layer of Capricorn encounters a volcano of passion.


To express individuality, to live a bit outside of time, space and norm is their self-image. Ideas, visions, ideas, inventions are the gift of Uranus, the ruler of Aquarius. Against rules and laws run Aquarians storm, even in relationships: Aquarius men live by their own laws! What they like to preach to others - equal rights for all, equality, fraternity - is not always what they practice themselves. Restless, jumpy, daring, eager to experiment in thinking and acting, her mental leaps are a challenge for others. The partner should not braces. Nothing drives so reliably into flight.


Machos are rarely represented in this sign. Understanding, charity, depth of feeling are given to Pisces-men as well as Fortune is at work: if he uses his possibilities instead of just hoping for the favor of the hour. Pisces Men are incredibly intuitive, imaginative and creative. Not every fish-man, however, appreciates these qualities in themselves enough. The danger: to give oneself out of self-protection harder, to wear a kind of mask. In order to attract the right partner, however, it is important to be authentic, to show just the perceiving, soft parts. Professionally, the fish diversity can only be successfully implemented if one feels the inner wealth, affirms it and feels it as a real advantage.


Resistance-oriented, as a knight without fault and blame, that's how the proud ram man comes along. He finds the competition inspiring, to be on the move with a zeal for a great cause is vital to him. He is pretty helpless with intrigue. He is of almost naive honesty and directness. At work, he needs a bigger challenge. Sport, if possible daily, helps him to neutralize his exuberant energy. In relationships, he likes to play the hunter who is tirelessly tracking down. Conquering, captivating, captivating, but without involving yourself too much, that's his relationship pattern.


Where he stands, he is stuck! Practical, pragmatic, strong in demarcation, that's how the bull-man comes along. He knows what he needs to do to achieve his goals and can be incredibly persistent. This can lead to stubbornness. But he has temperament! Bulls are slow, but powerful. Once they get into a rage, they are hard to brake. Jealous you should not do a bull. Bulls almost never divorce. They live up to their promises, even if that demands everything. Eroticism, enjoyment of life, these are the sources of energy that should never fail and never dry up. Her motto: hard work, happy holidays.


The charmer, as he is in the book, always on top, never embarrassed for a way out! Always at the height of time, but also restless, leaps and bounds, he whips through life. Quick as hell, but not of dogged ambition, Gemini males gather knowledge and information to become invulnerable. Because a so carefree sunny boy, who does not care about anything, does not get under the skin, is by no means the twins man. Curiosity, in the best sense of the word, often leads to travel. He prefers to work as a reporter, as a picture reporter, as a presenter or in the advertising industry. Serious, deep, solid relationships are a challenge for him. He is worried about losing his mobility and being possessed, being trapped.


Cancer men do not swim in shallow waters and certainly not easy. Deeply afflicted, they usually show only partially and keep their vulnerable side under lock and key! Hard to see through, they are mostly loners.And like an oyster, especially when someone tries to make something out of them. Although they themselves select exactly where they show and open themselves, they are the confidant of all those who are loaded. Psychologically, to work analytically is the passion of the crayfish. But they are also great in banks or on the stock market. In relationships, they are picky. Their claim: absolute security and soul harmony plus animal passion.


Extroverted, the undisputed star on every stage that drums a bit stronger, that's pure Leo. A little Pasha is also there. Just as the lion in the savannah lets its pack trot and hunt, it can dominate and employ others. Delegate? His easiest exercise. This automatically leads to higher regions. For his ingenious ideas he always finds helpful hands that gladly work for him. He has charm and talent for life. His creative power stands for exceptional success. Whether music, painting or sculpture, he can do it! The seduction ranking is number one. Nobody can resist its concentrated charm.


Objectively, always on the ground of the facts, not too quickly to lure out of the reserve, he is the strategist, organizer, the theater or literary critic, tax adviser or system analyst. He looks at every event as under a glass - and yet has the big picture. Equipped with mental radiance, he should sometimes be much more confident in his job. The virgin husband sometimes remains below his potential because he is afraid of not meeting his own standards. At first glance, he does not seem the most exciting Adam, but that's deceptive! Whether in art, science, management or everyday life issues: The virgin-man is fogged. Erotic even an experience, because under its seemingly objective shell seething passion.


Charming, diplomatic, smart, good-looking, winning, these are Libra men. Their crux: the difficulty of making decisions, the worry of putting something at a disadvantage if they prefer something else. He is a fighter when it comes to the injustices of this world. His strength is the ability to enjoy the moment. His much-praised kindness is effective as long as no one restricts his development. Because, with all the charm: He goes his way. Master he is in repression. His creativity and his need to determine the time structure itself, predestined for freelance work. He is only in relationship as long as he wants it.


Power is a life theme that Scorpio men have to deal with more intensively. Whether they like it or not, they come with their hypnotic energy much more intense, and often take more influence than they actually intend. Her extremely profound, critical mind drives her restlessly to constant development, even moulting, to deal with herself and life. They dissect - whether facts, people or even proverbially as pathologists and criminologists. Enlivened by the investigative spirit of discovery, they can track down every secret. The strongest motivation is Eros and Sexus. This also ensures an explosive-high-erotic charisma.


Just like an arrow has to be aligned with a target, the Sagittarius Man needs tension and orientation. Inspirations, visions and glamorous life content are his daily bread. He is an explorer. His mind is restless, likes to deal with ideological and philosophical issues. His idealism and enthusiasm have charm, but his unsteady life requires some tolerance from others. Sagittarius men are not automatically loyal, they are too adventurous and restless. Her honesty takes some getting used to, her life's passion provides lasting highlights.


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Zodiac, Astrology, Roswitha Broszath, Psychology, Horoscope, Zodiac, Men