Ten sentences that fat women no longer want to hear

"I do not understand why you're overweight, you're not stupid?"

In other words, intelligent people are slim because they know how to do it? Such a bullshit. It has long been known that genetics has a say in it. The genes determine where we'll end up with extra pounds, whether we look like a pear or an apple. The social environment also plays a role. Nevertheless, you meet fat people in all layers, be it professional chef, actor or minister. No one would say that they are stupid. They are people who enjoy cooking, eating and drinking and socializing and who find it more important than a slim figure.

"Have you increased?"

Stupid question, I know myself, I'm not blind. So do not have to be said extra.

"You have such a pretty face - with a few kilos less you would look great!"

A pretty face is a pretty face, no matter how it looks below it.

"Typical thickness, scooping without end ..."

Gross misjudgment. There are studies that show that fat people often pay more attention to calories in the main meals than slim ones. But: Your reward system in the brain reacts differently than that of normal weight. When the soul is cracked, they deliberately grab snacks and sweets, because that calms them down. Why these differences exist in the brains is unclear.

"Squats in front of the telly all day and eat!"

Serves the prejudice: thick = lazy

"Oh, you are pregnant!"

Impudence! As if being pregnant is the only condition that allows a big belly.

"That's not ashamed ..."

Why? After all, I do not ask anyone to glare at me. And by the way: we are quite a lot. That you gain weight in the course of your life is the rule, not the exception. 49 percent of women and 64 percent of men in Germany are overweight as defined by health organizations. So every second should be ashamed.

"Fat people always pretend they do not mind, but they're not."

Maybe it's different with me. I need my kilos around me, otherwise I feel vulnerable and vulnerable. Once I lost weight a lot, I felt that my body did not suit me anymore. In addition, every little thing threw me off track.

"It's none of my business, but you should really lose weight a bit."

That's right, it's none of your business. Whether I should lose weight or not, I alone decide. At most my doctor may have a say. But as long as I feel well and have no complaints, I stay as I am. Sure, there are fat women who do not feel well and have various dietary trials behind them. The saying is all the more frustrating.

"Typically? The biggest piece of cake!"

A prejudice in pure culture. There are studies that prove that slimming leaves much sweeter than fat people. Only it does not stand out with those. Such a saying probably brings someone who counts every calorie. And angry that others treat themselves.


fat women, sayings, overweight, food