Remove chewing gum - 9 effective tricks

Generally, chewing gum is much easier to remove when cured. But before you try in vain to scrape the gum with your fingers, better use the following home remedies.

Remove chewing gum? so you get it out of clothes

  • detergent: Simply rub a little rinse on the stain and then soften the whole thing for about an hour in warm water. Then simply scrape the chewing gum off with a knife. Finally, the garment can be washed as usual.
  • Freezer: A secret trick with wow effect! Sounds funny, but it does wonders. Put the dry garment in the freezer for about half an hour. This is how the chewing gum hardens properly and you can easily crumble it afterwards.
  • Blotter and iron: After the freezer method are still residues on the clothes visible? No panic! Then grab blotting paper, put it on the spot and iron it with a hot iron. The whole thing you do until the blotting paper has absorbed all the residues. Incidentally, this trick also works when removing wax stains.

Remove chewing gum? so the carpet gets clean again

  • Ice cubes Method: Putting the rug in the freezer could be difficult depending on the size. The alternative: ice cubes. So that the gum is really cured, you can put a plastic bag filled with ice cubes on the chewing gum stain. The hard chewing gum you simply scraped off with a knife.
  • Vinegar: The real all-rounder in the household: vinegar. Drop some vinegar on the carpet and let it work for a few minutes. The chewing gum detaches from the carpet and can be removed with a soft kitchen towel. By the way: Other stains have no chance with vinegar essence.

Remove chewing gum? this will clean upholstery and car seats

  • Ice Spray: Apply ice spray to the chewing gum stain, wait until the whole thing has hardened and you can remove the chewing gum with a knife.
  • Eraser: If there are still residues on the upholstery or car seats following the ice spray method, an eraser can help.
  • Cold pack: When pad cleaning, the freezer method is also difficult. If you do not have ice cubes at hand, you can of course also use a cold pack to harden the chewing gum.

What you need to consider when cleaning smooth or rough leather, you will find out here: Clean leather sofa.

Remove chewing gum? so you free your hair

The gum sticks in your hair? Do not worry, you do not have to reach for a pair of scissors and miss a short haircut. Just grab oily or greasy products, let them work for a while and then brush them out with a fine comb. The following products help:

  • butter or margarine
  • cooking oil
  • cream

Nothing can go wrong with these tips. Especially the stain removal is not as elaborate as we sometimes think, right? Also remove oil stains, remove blood stains or remove rust stains is easy? if you know the right tips and tricks!


Stain removal, stain, cleaning, laundry