Recipes from the feel-good diet

One of the peculiarities of the new diet are the basic recipes: They prepare a basic recipe and from it cook three different dishes in an instant. That means you get delicious and varied dishesbut only spend little time in the kitchen.

From the basic recipe cherry tomato sauce, for example, you can cook the following three dishes:

Braised peppers with tomato salsa (to the recipe)

Penne with anchovy olive sauce

Turkey steak with tomato risotto

In addition, there are recipe highlights in the new feel-good diet for days when you want to treat yourself to something special - and, for example, are also ideal for entertaining guests. For example:

Ham medallions on salad vegetables (to the recipe)

Would like more? The complete diet can be downloaded here (for the well-being ChroniquesDuVasteMonde diet).

5 Quick and Cheap Healthy Meals | ReNew Clinic (May 2024).

Relaxation Tip, Diet Recipes, Recipes, Diet, Weight Loss, New, Feel Good Diet, 2008