"Ocean's 8" will show it all: What men can do, women can even in high heels

The signs are thickening, it's in the air: The days of patriarchy are numbered. This year was not so bad. From Wonder Woman to Bibiana Steinhaus to #Metoo? 2017 has shown that empowering is no longer an empty word.

George Clooney played Debbie Oceans brother

If we take the momentum into the New Year? But something like that! In any case, there is already a milestone in terms of cinema technology, which clearly outweighs "Wonder Woman", "Tiger Milk" and "Battle of the Sexes": in "Ocean's 8", stars like Sandra Bullock and Rihanna become the George Clooneys of this world let's see where the hammer hangs.

Many see it as a spin off of the Ocean's 11 films, but in truth, the gangster comedies surrounding Danny Ocean (George Clooney) were just the preparation for Ocean's 8, of course. In it, Sandra Bullock will play Debbie Ocean, the sister of Danny, and she has her own crew, which can be described in just two words: concentrated woman power!

Clooney can only dream of Debbie Oceans crew

There is, for example, Sarah Paulson, whom we know from "American Horror Story" and "12 Years a Slave". Incidentally, Paulson was the first to tweet the movie poster of the new Ocean's spectacle.

Get Ready: pic.twitter.com/ShGu4L90Gw

? Sarah Paulson (@MsSarahPaulson) December 14, 2017

But Paulson is far from the only great actress besides Sandra Bullock. While George Clooney has just been replaced by "amateur actors" like Brad Pitt and Matt Damon, Bullock is surrounded by actresses like Helena Bonham Carter, Anne Hathaway and Cate Blanchett. Also in the party are Rihanna, Mindy Kaling and rapper Awkwafina.

Go big or go home! In "Ocean's 8" we go to the Big Apple

From the plot we know that a lot of them are playing in New York, because there the Ganovinnen troupe wants to clean up at the Met Gala, a fashion party and charity event in favor of the "Metropolitan Museum of Arts", which every year a lot Rich and beautiful people in the Big Apple beckons.

And of course, this setting is the perfect opportunity to engage even more cool women. There are rumors that Kim Kardashian, Adriana Lima and Katie Holmes will be performing, as well as the editor-in-chief of Vogue and patron of the Met Gala, Anna Wintour.

Because of gossip - "Ocean's 11" was just foreplay

In short, it is guaranteed a big break. And to all (men), the "Ocean's 8" as a cheap copy of "Ocean's 11" anticipate, the leading actress Sandra Bullock has something to oppose:

"I tell you, we have some aggressive women, and they'll fight back, we're not a restart, we're just a 'that's what's going to happen in 2017.' It's not even a torch relay Family member who grew up in the same family as Danny Ocean, and what happens when she gets out of jail with all those great, strong women. "

As I said: The previous Ocean's movies were just the prelude!

Tomb Raider - Karakuri - Warner Bros. UK (May 2024).

Sandra Bullock, George Clooney, Rihanna, Debbie Ocean, Girl Power, Cate Blanchett, Sarah Paulson, Costume Institute Gala