Mothers report: Births are not that bad!

Births are painful and disgusting. They include blood, sweat, feces and tears. There may be complications, the dam may tear and it will take about six weeks for the week's flow (a bad-smelling wound secretion, possibly with blood) to be over.

All this sounds a bit unpleasant and can spoil expectant mothers the joy of childbirth. But a birth does not always sound like a horror story. The online magazine "bento" has asked its readers how their birth has gone. And there was also positive feedback.

Some encouraging sentences are:

  • "Births almost always come to a happy end and happiness makes us forget the pain quickly."
  • "The birth of my son was one of the best days in my life (...) No complications and the pain was very positive."
  • "Without kitsch and exaggeration: That was the best day in my life, the moment she dived out of the water and was put on my chest: He was so beautiful, I can not even describe him."

And also in our editorial office, some moms have had quite positive experiences with their delivery:

  • "Apart from the baby, which you get as the main prize, I am especially grateful for the unique experience that I was able to do with myself. I'm incredibly proud of myself, of my body, of what he has done. The births of my children have made me stronger !?
  • "I gave birth to two healthy children, a scary idea of ​​me was the notorious Dammriss, but this did not happen on both births! So future moms: relax!"
  • "Having heard so many negative things about births, such as dragging them off for days!" I was very glad to be able to embrace my son in just four hours! "

For all mums in spe: A birth can be exhausting, but not necessarily! No childbirth is like the other. Certainly, the more relaxed the mom, the easier the birth.

Videotipp: sex after birth? "If you knew ..."

The race to prevent the sudden death of mothers in childbirth in the U.S. (April 2024).

Childbirth, childbirth, pregnancy, pregnancy