Logi Method: How well does the diet work?

What is behind the Logi method?

LOGI stands for "Low Glycemic and Insulinemic Diet " and was not originally intended as a diet: the nutritionist Nicolai Worm has designed this nutritional program primarily for people working on a so-called insulin resistance suffer from a metabolic disorder in which sufferers release more insulin, which raises blood lipid levels and blood pressure - and in the worst case may develop into type II diabetes. Do medical professionals call that?Metabolic syndrome?.

The causes for Metabolic disorders Worm sees in our unhealthy lifestyle: Little exercise, little sleep and little sunlight? Lots of food, preferably carbs like pasta and pizza and then something sweet.

A complete change in diet and a tough sports program would be the solution, but it requires a lot of discipline and is difficult for most. The Logi method is therefore designed so that the blood values ​​improve even if the affected person does not decrease.

Elemental: Keep our blood sugar low

As with the similar Montignac method, the Logi method also aims to keep blood sugar levels and insulin levels constant. Montignac refers in his method to the so-called glycemic indexwhich states how much individual foods cause our blood sugar levels to rise.

The Logi method, however, aims at the glycemic load an extension of the glycemic index, which includes the amount of carbohydrates consumed in the calculation. The Logi method, if you want to consider it as such, as Low carbHowever, diets allow significantly more latitude in carbohydrate intake than more stringent forms such as the Atkins diet.

The Logi method in everyday life

The one? Nutrition plan does not exist in the Logi method. The user is allowed to eat everything? However, his food plan is based on the Logi food pyramid.

The steps of the Logi-Pyramid:

  • Rare: Cereal products (especially white flour) and sweets
    Sweets and cereal products should be rare? at best not at all? be consumed
  • Little: Whole grains, potatoes, pasta and rice
    While carbohydrate carriers form the basis of common food pyramids such as pasta or rice, they are rarely eaten during the Logi method. The German Nutrition Society criticizes this - as with other low-carb concepts.
  • Frequently: Dairy products, eggs, lean meat, fish, nuts and legumes
    These protein sources should be incorporated with every meal.
  • The base: fruit and starchy vegetables, Salad and vegetables may be eaten well. Beware of fruit: the sweeter the fruit, the greater the amount of sugar or carbohydrates - and therefore a higher one glycemic load - stuck in it. When eating fruit also uses the well-known Five a day?Method, ideally this means: three servings of vegetables and two servings of fruit daily. Another big role is played by high oils Omega-3 fatty acidsShare: Olive oil, linseed oil (which is also great for the skin!), Walnut oil or rapeseed oil.

Who is the Logi method for?

The Logi method is, according to Worm, in principle suitable for all people. However, it was specially designed for people with a high level of fitness overweight or those affected, among the already mentioned diseases such as Diabetic type II or high levels of blood lipids and blood sugar.

Worm also refers to the fundamental role of nutrition on his homepage gout, even in this case, the Logi method should help. Who wants to lose weight in the first place, is also well-advised with the Logi method: The absence of carbohydrates and sugar can melt the fat deposits quickly.

Conclusion: Should I opt for the Logi method?

Yesif you want to lose weight healthily and sustainably, and do not shy away from giving up carbohydrates as much as possible and completely changing your diet.

Noif you can not live without pasta, rice, potatoes, and dessert, and you do not like to be great. Then certainly moderate programs such as the ChroniquesDuVasteMonde diet or the 5: 2 diet would be more like you.

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Diet, Nicolai Worm, protein, carbohydrate, food, losing weight