Laura Karasek: Lawyer and author

Make us curious: On what topic can we learn from you at the big ChroniquesDuVasteMonde Academy Symposium?

How do we manage the balancing act between serious and feminine as women in the male world or as a lawyer in a large law firm? On this topic, I tell from my experience and give tips.

How can I effectively network, even if I'm shy?

Drink a sparkling wine! No, joking aside. Always looking for an ally, wingwoman or wingman. Someone who introduces you to strangers. To form groups, to walk around. And of course: smile.

If you are unsure, how do you make a choice between options?

Today you can do whatever you want. But you have to WANT something first. Any decision seems like a renunciation at the same time, because we exclude other things from the moment we commit ourselves. I always try to do everything. But that is often not so fulfilling. A "NO" can sometimes be very liberating.

And if everything is just too much, how do you get a moment to breathe deeply?

I walk and run and listen to music. Or I force myself not to look at the phone, or I read a book. Also on trains I can switch off well. However, cycling and walking and jogging in the park or on the water help me the most. I love lakes and the sea.

Thank you, Laura Karasek.

Laura Karasek has her debut novel "Playful Years"? put a bestseller. She also writes a weekly column on stern online and has her own talk show at the radio station Antenne Frankfurt. She was born in 1982 in Hamburg, was a law student in Berlin and Paris, and is a lawyer in the male world of a large commercial law firm in Frankfurt am Main.   

ZDF Markus Lanz 2016-11-01 Jens Söring (May 2024).