Jungle Camp 2019: You will not miss anything like that!

While snow chaos rages in parts of Germany, it attracts twelve celebrities to the Australian jungle. From the 11th of January RTL shows the 13th season of the popular reality-format "Ich bin ein Star - Get me out of here!".

Anyone who is on the road or for other reasons can not watch the show comfortably in front of the TV, has numerous opportunities to see the 16 episodes anyway - and find out if actress Doreen Dietel (44), pop singer Peter Orloff (74), "Alf "Voice Tommi Piper (77), erotic legend Sibylle Rauch (58," popsicle ") or another of the contestants this year brings the jungle crown.

Directly at the transmitter

At the in-house RTL portal "TV Now" you sit, of course, directly at the jungle source. This way you can log in to your PC or laptop via browser and view all formats of the RTL channel group. The jungle camp is in the livestream - or whenever you want on call after Erstausstrahlung the corresponding episode. There are also some past seasons to see again.

To be able to use the complete offer, a "TV Now Premium" account is necessary, which can be tested for 30 days for free. After that, the offer costs 4.99 euros a month. The best: With the appropriate premium app (iOS / Android), the whole thing can also be used on smartphones and tablets.

The agony of choice

A sensible alternative to this offer may be providers such as "Zattoo", "Waipu.tv" or "TV Spielfilm Live", whose services can also be tested for free. Via the mentioned - and further - providers the program of numerous TV stations can be streamed directly in the browser, on smartphone and co.

However, anyone who wants to see public broadcasters and private broadcasters like RTL or ProSiebenSat.1 will have to pay monthly fees of up to € 20, depending on their chosen service. As a rule, however, a cost factor of up to ten euros is not exceeded. In "TV Spielfilm Live", for example, there are 80 TV channels for € 9.99 per month, after a free trial month has expired.

In social media

Although there are not the consequences of "I'm a star - get me out of here!" fans can also stay up to date on social media. All sorts of background information and news is available, for example, on the official Facebook page and on Instagram. Thanks to hashtags like "#Dschungelcamp" or "#IBES" you can also discuss the candidates wonderfully on Twitter.

All about "I'm a star - get me out of here!" in the special at RTL.de


Jungle Camp, RTL, Germany, ProSiebenSat.1 Media, Jungle Camp 2019, IBES, Apps, Instagram, Facebook, RTL, I'm a Star - Get Me Out of Here!