Home remedies for pigmentation? these are the best!

Pigment spots are the new wrinkles! While laugh lines evoke character and indicate a happy life, age spots are rather annoying.

Causes of pigmentation

Pigment disorders, also called hyperpigmentation, caused by an overproduction of the skin pigment melanin by increased sunlight be triggered and occur in the form of freckles. Therefore, it is important to use a high sun protection factor. But also hormonal changes such as the pill or pregnancy can cause pigmentation marks.

7 home remedies for pigmentation: How to get rid of them!

Who wants to counteract the dark spots, but would like to do without industrial or synthetically produced serums or creams and like it more natural, there is a variety of home remedies for pigmentation spots available.

1. home remedies for pigmentation: lemon juice

Sauer does not only make fun, but also lightens pigmentation on the side. The acid contained in the lemon juice helps to bleach the skin.

How to apply lemons to pigment spots:

  1. Slice the lemon and apply the juice to the affected skin with a cotton pad or cotton swab.
  2. Leave the lemon juice to work for about ten to fifteen minutes and rinse off with water.
  3. Repeat the application two to three times a day.

2. Home remedies for pigmentation: apple cider vinegar

Apple cider vinegar is not only considered a true fat burner and conjures up a great shine in the hair, it also convinces as a bleach in age spots. The lightening effect is due to the fruit and acetic acid contained therein.

How to apply apple cider vinegar for age spots:

  1. Apply the vinegar undiluted to the dark spots.
  2. Leave on for about ten minutes and wash off.
  3. Carry out the treatment twice a day.

3. Home remedy for pigmentation: potatoes

Even with potatoes, the brown spots can be dealt with. The skin-lightening effect is provided by an enzyme contained in the potato.

How to use potatoes for pigmentation disorders:

  1. Slice a potato lengthwise and rub the skin with it. The treatment works even easier if you add a few drops of water to the cut surface of the potato.
  2. Then wash the area with water.
  3. The treatment can be carried out without hesitation several times a day.

4. Home remedies for pigmentation: Vitamin C

Not only from the outside, but also from the inside can do a lot against pigmentation. Therefore, it is important to pay attention to a balanced diet, many vitamins, especially vitamin C. Vitamin C not only boosts the production of collagen and thus ensures a firm, firm complexion, it also reduces hyperpigmentation and is mainly found in peppers and fruit.

5. Home remedies for pigmentation: almonds

Sounds a bit unusual, but works: almonds are rich in vitamin E (tocopherol), protect our cells from free radicals and have a positive effect on unwelcome freckles.

How to use almonds to treat pigmentation:

  1. Soak the almonds in water for a few hours and then mix with milk and a hand mixer to make a creamy paste.
  2. Apply the texture to the spots before going to bed and wash off the next morning.
  3. Repeat the application daily for a period of two weeks.

6. Home remedies for pigmentation: papaya

Also helpful is the treatment of hyperpigmentation with papaya. The enzyme papain contained in it makes the unwanted, brown patches on the skin disappear and at the same time regenerates.

How to apply papaya against pigment spots:

  1. Peel the papaya, halve, core and purée the pulp.
  2. Now rub the skin with the pulp of the papaya and let it work for half an hour.
  3. Then wash well with lukewarm water.

7. Home remedies for pigmentation: turmeric

Other home remedies for pigmentation disorders include the spice turmeric. The spice reduces melanin production in the skin cells (melanocytes) and thus counteracts the dark spots.

How to apply turmeric to pigment spots:

  1. First, mix a teaspoon of turmeric with a little lemon juice.
  2. Then apply the paste on the affected skin.
  3. After 20 minutes, rinse with lukewarm water again.

More answers to the question What helps pigmentation? and The best anti-aging ingredients are available here.

Videotipp: How to get rid of age spots

What is the PICO Laser? - How it Removes Pigmentation & Tattoos (May 2024).

Pigment spots, skin problem, skin care, care tips